____________________ ________ _____ __ \______ \______ \/ _____/ / \ _____ | | __ ___________ | _/| ___/ \ ___ / \ / \\__ \ | |/ // __ \_ __ \ | | \| | \ \_\ \ / | \/ __ \| <\ ___/| | \/ |____|_ /|____| \______ / \____|__ (____ /__|_ \\___ >__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ________ \_____ \ / ____/ / \ \_______ \ \/ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~| | || Guide written and compiled by A I e x || | |_||______________________________________________________________________||_| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Author: Alex Eagleson | | Began: June 8th, 2005 | | Completed: June 10th, 2005 | | Email: StarOceanDC(at)gmail(dot)com | | Donations [Paypal]: StarOceanDC(at)gmail(dot)com | | University of Guelph, Ontario | |____________________________________________________________________________| |~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~| | || Plot spoilers are omitted wherever possible || | |_||______________________________________________________________________||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O============================================================================O | Table of Contents | O============================================================================O ** In order to navigate this guide I have implemented a Ctrl+f system, which means you press ctrl+f in your browser or word processor to bring up the search menu, then enter the letters in brackets on the right of the section that you're looking for. 1. Introduction........................................................(0000!) 2. Starting Your Adventure.............................................(00000) 3. Game Settings.......................................................(00010) 4. Party Members.......................................................(00020) 5. General Settings....................................................(00030) 6. Classes.............................................................(00040) 7. Traits..............................................................(00050) 8. Items...............................................................(00060) 9. Abilities...........................................................(00070) 10. Direct Effects.....................................................(00080) 11. Indirect Effects...................................................(00090) 12. Enemy Actions......................................................(000C0) 13. Enemies............................................................(000D0) 14. Units..............................................................(000E0) 15. Unit Placement.....................................................(000F0) 16. Scripts............................................................(000I0) i - Party.........................................................(000J0) ii - Members......................................................(000K0) iii - Events......................................................(000L0) iv - Input Creation...............................................(000M0) v - Screen Display................................................(000N0) vi - Sound........................................................(000O0) vii - Data........................................................(000P0) viii - Script Branch..............................................(000Q0) ix - Script.......................................................(000R0) x - Battle........................................................(000S0) xi - Other........................................................(000T0) 17. Events.............................................................(000U0) 18. Event Placement....................................................(000V0) 19. Character Models...................................................(000W0) 20. Object Models......................................................(000X0) 21. Enemy Models.......................................................(000Y0) 22. Building Editor....................................................(000Z0) 23. Dungeon Editor.....................................................(000A1) 24. Map Editor.........................................................(000A2) 25. Object Placement...................................................(000A!) 26. World Organization.................................................(000A3) 27. Visual Effects.....................................................(000A4) 28. Image..............................................................(000A5) 29. Sound Test.........................................................(000A6) 30. Trash..............................................................(000A7) 31. Test Play..........................................................(000A8) 32. File...............................................................(000A9) 33. Fu-Ma..............................................................(000B0) 34. What Game Should I Make?...........................................(000A0) 35. Beyond the Limitations.............................................(000AH) 36. Main Menu Navigation...............................................(000G0) 37. Script Menu Navigation.............................................(000H0) 38. Visual Effects Navigation..........................................(000AA) 39. Character Database.................................................(000AB) 40. Object Database....................................................(000AC) 41. BGM Database.......................................................(000AD) 42. SFX Database.......................................................(000AE) 43. World Sounds Database..............................................(000AF) 44. Enemy Database.....................................................(000AG) 45. Version History....................................................(X0000) 46. Legal..............................................................(Y0000) 47. Credits............................................................(Z0000) O============================================================================O | Introduction (0000!) | O============================================================================O RPG Maker 2, for the Playstation 2 entertainment console, is a game which allows you to make and design your own RPG. This game is part of Agetec's "Designer series" which basically includes the two other PS2 titles Fighter Maker 2 and Magic Pengel: The Quest for Color (I recommend both of them). Included in this game is everything you need to make your own RPG. While it doesn't go as far as allowing you to design your own character models, write your own battle systems (for the most part) or anything that deep, it does allow you to create all the events you want, design towns, buildings, maps. Create your own characters with unique names, classes, colours, skins and even genders. Virtually everything can be edited right down to the most basic text command and sound effect. The game even goes so far as to let you design your own magic spells and animations, which is quite good for a game of its type. While someone who is perhaps an experienced programmer working with graphics libraries might not be satisfied, those who have an idea in their heads and lack the tools to put it into play will certainly get something out of this game. Hell, I'm something of a programmer myself, but I still enjoy this game. There's something to be said for simplicity, and a game like this is technically quite simple, but you shouldn't underestimate the power of the tools it provides. You can accomplish quite a lot with RPG Maker 2. O============================================================================O | Starting Your Adventure (00000) | O============================================================================O When you first load up the game you've got the option to either play or edit your game. Since this is called "RPG Maker" you'll probably want to go with the edit option for now. Before you get started you should know that a game save for this will take up a good portion of your memory card, more than 2000KB to be exact which is 1/4 of one of the basic 8MB cards, so make sure you know that before you go and do a lot of work without being able to save it. Anyway, select Edit Game to bring up the edit menu. Your only option to start is the File option so choose that. Select "New" and then choose your difficulty, the setting you choose here will determine the difficulty. Given that the beginner mode only allows you to edit pre-existing samples, for the sake of the guide and yourself we're going to proceed on the normal setting. Let's get everything ready before we proceed shall we. Select the menu button then go to file and preferences. Here you can change the difficulty setting whenever you want. Below that is the BGM option, you're going to be spending quite a lot of time in the menu so you might as well start by finding some nice music to play in the background, I happen to like Mellow 4. It's quite nice. Don't choose something extreme that will totally distract you while you're trying to work. Once you've got your settings in place tap circle to exit the menu. You must choose "update data and exit," this applies for everything you do otherwise the changes you made will not stay. With all that in place you're ready to start with your adventure. The guide will proceed as I personally would do everything in order as so to cover all the topics, there is nothing that says you need to design your characters before your enemies or anything like that and you're free to pop up, down and all around the guide just using it as a reference or however you see fit, that's what it's here for. For now, it's time for us to get started. O============================================================================O | Game Settings (00010) | O============================================================================O We'll start off with the most basic things and work our way up here. Your game is going to need a name, perhaps you might want to design the game before coming up with a name but either way you should know where to go. Choose Game and then Game Settings in the menu. Select Basic and then Game Name to enter the name of the game you wish to design. Below that is the name of the designer which is obviously going to be your name. Beside the Basic tab we have the Custom tab which allows you to edit the basic aspects of your game. Windows - Here you can change what the general message windows in your game look like from the border to the colour of the window and the colour of the text. Even the window transparency can be edited here. Camera - There are three types of camera angles you can use. A high 60 degree angle that gives more of an overhead view, the default 45 degrees direct diagonal angle or the wide 30 degree angle that gives a better view of the surroundings. This is of course largely based on your personal preference. SFX - Most sound effects for the specific events of the game are edited by you manually when you make them but there are still many generic effects like collision, confirm and cancel that will come up often, here is where you can change these effects to whatever sounds you might find in the database. Password - An important feature for those who might have friends or siblings interested in checking out the inner workings of your game. Not very likely of course but still, having a password protected game makes it more badass. Menu Text - Allows you to change the basic text of the game in the menus and stuff. Of course when you open the menu there's going to be an option for "Item" but if ytou wanted to change it to "Things" or "Junk" or "Shit" then it's totally up to you. Just remember the player has to have some idea. Sex - I'm not kidding when I tell you this option allows you to add genders that may or may not exist in the real world. Of course male and female are the defaults, but if you want transsexuals, un-sexuals or whatever, go for it. Prop W - The property of attacks from weapons, there are quite a few different types of weapon hits in the game by default but you're free to add your own. For example by default you can "hit" your enemy with a club, but if you wanted to change it so you could "incinerate" your enemy with a club, then you can. Prop M - Similar to the weapon stats this is for magic, allows you to customize magic elements in your game by name so that you aren't just limited to fire and ice, but perhaps some "Table" type damage might be interesting. Flags - Here's where it gets a little more complicated, I haven't gotten into this kind of thing yet since you haven't started to design your game, but basically flags keep track of things, like when something has occurred or has not occurred and in order for you to better organize these things for yourself you will want to name your flags. This can be done when you actually make them so this menu really just srves to show you all of them at once. Variable - Similar to flags it's a type of object that can vary in state, you won't see these names in your actually game or anything like that it's just for you to help organize your work and keep track of things easier. Input - The name and such of an event that requires player input, once again far too complicated to be worrying about before you've actually started the game so make a note that it's here, but leave it unchanged for the time being. O============================================================================O | Party Members (00020) | O============================================================================O We're going to skip over General Settings for now since it partly involves forming your party, and you can't form a party without actually having characters to form it with. This is where you will create those characters. Let's leave the default character alone for now and select the "Create New Data" option at the bottom of the screen. When you choose this a number of options will come up, here's a general description of how they work: Name - Obviously self explanatory, this will allow you to set a name for your character. Remember characters are universal so you don't need to make your main character first or anything like that, just whatever comes to mind. Note - Allows you to add a little note for your own personal use later, perhaps a couple of words describing what this character is used for or something like that. You won't see this note anywhere in your game so you're free to make it whatever you want, preferably something that will help you. Model - This is where you select the model of your character, basically what model means is the image or sprite or whatever, it's what your character looks like in he game. There are one hundred and fifteen models to choose from so chances are you'll find at least one you want to use for your character. Now once we have this click on the Custom tab, this is where we get to change all the small details about the character that will set them apart. Detail - In the detail menu you can choose the character's gender and also choose their class. Class is equivalent to a job or something like that in another RPG perhaps, you can create your own classes too of course. Below that we have the character's origin, perhaps a city of birth and a short bio about that character. Lastly you can choose the type of damage they do with their attack, whether it's hit type or slash type is up to you. Stats - At the top you can choose fro ma number of predefined stat types that are set up for you but of course you can also edit it manually. The reason that those class type templates even exist is because it's a hell of a difficult chore to try and balance out the exact stat numbers yourself, often even when you're trying to control the most detailed aspects of your game it's best to go with the default stat values just because once you start to change them you're going to start running into problems with unbalanced characters. Start Lvl - Quite simply this will let you choose the level at which the character begins the game, anywhere from level one to level ninety-nine. Exp Curve - Things are getting a little more detailed at this point, the Exp Curve will let you set the rate at which the character gains levels. With the faster option they will gain levels faster as they progress higher but with the slower option it will get harder and harder as they go. Ability - This will let you choose which abilities the character learns as they continue to level up. At the default they will not learn the abilities at all. You can choose a specific level for each ability and remember you can create your own abilities so you might want to come back to this again. Items - Simply choose which items your character will start with when you begin the game, choose a slot and then select an item to place with them. Equip - Your character's basic equipment, let's you start them off with a sword or maybe some cloth armour or something like that. If you've created your own armour perhaps you want them to wear a poncho who knows. Title - Lets you set individual titles to the character's classes. Resist W - You can change the character's individual resistances to the different types of attacks. For example if you chose your character to attack with the "hit" type and then changed hit resistance to 50% here, they would only take half the damage if they chose to attack themselves. Resist M - Similar to the previous one except for magic. Changes your elemental resistance to the different types of magic spells that use those elements. Remember this is your character's basic defenses and does not include modifiers like armour and other such things. O============================================================================O | General Settings (00030) | O============================================================================O Now it's time to take a look here, this still includes most of the basic settings you will need to change in order to actually begin your game. What we start with is the initial party. The character you choose for the first slot will be your main character. If there are any other party members you wish to start the game with (party members can be added or removed during the game of course) then choose them now. At the bottom we have the money option which is nice, allows you to set how much money the party will start off with when the game begins. Now take a look at the "Location" box on the right. If you've created any maps by now that you want to use as the start point then select them here, if not then just use the basic Preset Town so you can at least see how it works. Once you've chosen where your character will start the game choose the little blue button beside it. This will take you to a map of the starting area. Where the large yellow marker is, that is where your character will start the game. You can move it around with the D-pad and change the elevation using the L1 and L2 buttons. If you want to start your character on the roof of a house then that's fine, though I don't know how he will get down. Below I'll just outline some of the basic commands: Here are just some of the basic things you should know about when navigating the map screen. The X and Y coordinates obviously keep track of where you are in terms of left, right, up and down. The Z keeps track of cursor altitude (top and bottom). You've got a little minimap of the area at the bottom right. The L1 and L2 buttons will change the cursor altitude. There's a ton of stuff you can do while holding R1. Hold R1 and press left or right on the D-pad to spin the camera, press up or down to tilt it as well. While still holding R1 press L1 or L2 to centre the camera. Spin the left analog stick to zoom in and out, or tap the L3 button while still holding R1 to do the same thing. Spinning the right analog stick will change the size of the map as will tapping it. While holding R2 and moving the D-pad you can quckly jump around the area and move faster. That's basically what you need to know. Press the select button to return to the General Settings menu. Choose the Custom tab next. For the Bag option it will allow you to access your items at the very start. Items tab shows which items you will start with in your bag, and the exact quantity of each item. Lastly as more of a general setting you can change the battle effects. There are two basic random encounter effects, either the screen melts or shatters. You can change the battle music below that (this is just normal battle music, you can use different music when you create boss fights and stuff like that.) Below that is the sound effect you will hear for the battle intro. Lastly you can edit the encouter rate, the default is 10% (there's a decimal point) but you can edit it to your liking. O============================================================================O | Classes (00040) | O============================================================================O Here is where you can edit the specifics of character classes, classes are independent of levels and allow you to upgrade characters specifically based on class. First of all your should name your new class and put a little note below it to help keep track. On the Custom page the Detail you can input some text yourself as a description of the class, if you wish for this description to be hidden from being seen in the game then choose the "Conceal Description" option. Next there is the Promote menu, in each class there can be specific rankings of that class and you can give bonuses based on increasing in rank if you wish. With the Evolve menu you can start to set things up so that in order to actually change to a specific class you must first meet some prerequisites of a different class. In the ability menu you can choose specific abilities to learn as you rank up in a specific class, these will like I said, remain independent of levels. Finally we have the stats page which will allow you to have a character's stats altered when they change to a specific class. Someone who is a strong physical fighter for example might have their attack stat reduced if they change to a mage. In the advanced memu as you probably guess you can set up some more advanced settings. Here you can pretty much take events you have already designed and assign them to different aspects of the class. For example the indirect effect is kind of like a passive event that occurs always for someone in a particular class. The class start event will automatically trigger when someone changes into that particular class, so if you wanted to have a special class transformation scene occur, then you can do that. The same basic principle applies to having a class end scene. Battle victory lets you set a class-specific event that occurs when someone of that class wins a fight. O============================================================================O | Traits (00050) | O============================================================================O A trait can pretty much be thought of as an effect, something that affects your character basically. A character who is poisoned would have the "Poison" trait, but it also applies to positive effects as well, thus traits. You can name your type of character trait and give it a note, then on the Custom page write a description and run an event that will occur when a particular character is affected by that trait. You apply them elsewhere. O============================================================================O | Items (00060) | O============================================================================O Almost self explanatory, unlike previous commands where you've pretty much just been selecting which items your party starts with, this is where you create the items themselves. Select "Create New Data" then here you can start customizing the item or piece of equipment you wish to create. You'll notice that the type box cannot be touched, but don't worry you'll be able to change that in a moment. Select the Custom page next and you have some options: Detail - Here you can write the description for your item, for example you might want a healing potion to say "A potion that heals 25 HP" or something like that. If you make an item like "The key to the underworld" but you want that to be a note to yourself, you don't want the player to know then check the conceal description box. You can set the purchase price and selling price of the item. You don't have to set the sell price manually, you can just change the ratio and it will do it for you. There are two more options that include not being able to sell or discard the item, in case it's something important your character needs to be able to proceed with the game. Type - This is where you can actually change the type of the weapon, for a basic item most of the categories are blocked off, and for everything but a weapon the attack tab is blocked off. Obviously you don't need to know the attack effect of a healing potion, it doesn't quite work like that. Used - This is where the direct and indirect effects come into play which are detailed in the section right below this. Basically if you want the item to heal 25 HP you're going to have to make a direct effect that does that. Equipped - For equipment, obviously when you equip a new sword you're going to want it to increase your attack power, assuming it isn't the biggest piece of shit sword in the world, in which case perhaps it would lower your attack. You can also set an indirect attack to occur with the equipping of the item. Members - In many games, when you've got a huge piece of armour or something like that, your wimpy little mage isn't going to be able to equip it. That's the idea behind this menu which allows you to choose which members of your party are able to equip or remove this particular piece of equipment. Classes - The same idea as the above thing, possibly better describing this one. You don't want a knight's equipment on a wizard, a thief's equipment on a samurai, or a merchant's equipment on a monk... or perhaps you do. Attack - This applies specifically to weapons only, when you attack often times the weapon has a direct effect attached to it. Say you already created a direct effect for something like "Poison Powder" which is designed to poison the enemy, well the "Sword of Poisoning" might just use the same effect. Advanced - The next horizontal tag on the list there are three options here for you to attach events to. When you equip this particular item, sell it, or throw it away perhaps you want a text message to come up saying "Hey, that's an important item, don't discard it" or maybe "Good riddance to that." O============================================================================O | Abilities (00070) | O============================================================================O Abilities are well... abilities. Your characters can perform them and you can create them. Come up with a name and a note for your new ability. It shows what type of ability and where it can be used below the name. On the Custom screen you can change the ability type, it's either going to be a magic spell (in the case of a wizard) or a skill (in the case of a thief for example.) Select whether the skill can be used on the map, in battle or maybe both (a healing spell would be an example of a "both" situation.) Choose the ability property, this is pretty much the same as choosing the element. A person might have a resistance or weakness to a particular property of this ability so you're going to have to note exactly what that property is. Below that we have the casting cost of the ability and then the direct and indirect effects that occur when you use the ability, once again direct and indirect effects are outlined right below this. Next we have of course a description of the ability you are creating and an option to choose whether or not that description can be viewed in-game. On the advanced page there are a number of somewhat confusing options. Basically what these are is deciding that one of three things. The first is that this ability can be called on randomly by the random ability call along with it the probability that it will be called. Net is the actual random ability call that you can attach to this particular ability. Lastly we have the option that just chooses to cancel it entirely. O============================================================================O | Direct Effects (00080) | O============================================================================O All right, these are what you're going to need to call upon when pretty much anything... DOES anything. Like an item or something along those lines. Start by giving your effect a name and a note then click on the Custom tab. You can choose one of three possible effect types, offense, defense or other. Rate will change how much of an effect the item has while success determines the chance at which it actually succeeds in working. The next tab down, Target. The first option, Disable target Menu, means that this effect doesn't actually target anyone it just happens. Next we have target select that allows you to choose whether this effect can occur on an enemy only, party only or both. The person playing will be able to select the target. Below that you can choose whether it hits single, party or random and various different choices for that. The last of course is used if this is a teleport effect. First we have group that calls an event when the effect targets a group, next when it targets successfully and after that if it is a critical hit. Custom is used for the advanced tab and fail calls an event when the effect is not successful. There are many options on the advanced tab. Turn start and end are for effects that occur at the very beginning or very end of a turn not surprisingly. Check start calls a script if the requirements for using the effect are met whilefail calls a script if they happen to fail. Effect start will use a script is the effect starts not surprisingly while the counterattack field allows you to call a script if the effect triggers any kind of counterattack. Finally consume has to do with the consumption of something like MP when casting a spell, you'll certainly want to do a death check if the effect kills you, dead people don't consume MP. First effect and after effect have to do with the power of the effect on primary targets ad secondary targets respectively and the success check allows you to finally check whether the effect was successful or not. On the result page we have the success script for the effect, then after that the generic custom effect or the critical hit script. Finally you can choose what happens when the effect fails and what happens if it succeeds but happens to miss. If all this sounds confusing then it's because it is, I have a basic grasp of how the advanced page works here but mostly it's just play-by-ear. O============================================================================O | Indirect Effects (00090) | O============================================================================O The primary difference between direct and indirect effects is that direct effects occur and then are just gone, while indirect effects have a tendency to linger on and on. An example of each would be a healing effect "gain 25 HP" and a status ailment "blind status" respectively. Once you're healed you're healed, but with blind you're stuck with it for awhile. Set a namefor your indirect effect and then select the custom tab. Here you've got your text that will be seen in the menu for the person under this particular status as well as a little symbol you can use to show it as well. Priority will make it so one particular ailment takes priority over another with a lower priority number when a character is under the influence of multiple indirect effects. Rate just determines how effective this particular indirect effect is. Next we have the length tab which is primarily concerned with when a particular indirect effect will end. You can set it to end after a certain number of steps, or set a percentage for it to end randomly on any step, or both. If it's a battle effect you can have it end based on a number or turns or how often that character is targeted, below is the total number of times either of those must occur or a ratio that shows when it will end randomly. Lastly in the custom area we have both magic and weapon resistance modifiers. If perhaps you cast the magic spell "Thunder Def" and it's supposed to make your character more resistant to thunder damage then this is where you would bng that into play, same applies for weapon specific type damage. It gets a lot more complicated in the advanced tab. There are five basic status types, action, condition, magic, skill and custom. Each status ailment will belong to one of these types, stop for example would be action type since the character is not able to do any actions while blind would be a condition given it has an effect on what happens to the character normally. Silence would be part of magic as it prevents the character from using it. Priority is just needlessly complicated, you can have it so new status overwrites old status or even if you want to have it increase the effect of other status so a poisoned character gets SUPER poisoned or something like that. Same applies to the amount of time it is in effect which isn't so useless if you want to make it so that it re-starts the duration time of the poison. On Flow 1 you can add scripts to the different times at which an effect occurs or ends. New refers to the first time someone is affected while combined means when they are affected more than once and fail is when it fails to affect them at all. Forced end means you used an item to heal yourself etc, while natural end means enough turns passed and it wore off. I'm not quite sure how something can fail to end, perhaps if one of those random end things does not occur. Lastly we decide whether it can be used on the world or in battle or both. Each result will call a specific event whenever you move around on the world map while for battle ones they're pretty self explanatory. Events that occur at the beginning of the turn, end of the turn, if the effect is reflected, before the effect is checked for prerequisites and after it happens. O============================================================================O | Enemy Actions (000C0) | O============================================================================O This is where you will be responsible for coming up with your own enemy movements and such like that. Before doing this you will have to have an enemy ready, once you do give your action a name and select an enemy to apply it to. Choose the type of action you want this to be, some of the defaults include it being a wait animation, take damage animation, for when the enemies dies or when the enemy attacks etc. There's all sorts of stuff you can do. First of all start by choosing what type of attack you want this to be at the top. Now see all those things at the lower left, with Motion at the top and then they just go down? Well select the motion one and choose the "New" option. Select any of the motions available here and set the frame at which you want the motion to start then exit and update, now from here there's: Motion Speed - Allows you to change the speed at which the motion occurs, the higher you put this number the faster it will resolve and vice versa. Flash - This is for making the enemy flash and appear temporarily invisible, you can choose the specific frame for the enemy to disappear and the frame for it to once again reappear. Good for teleportation attacks. Color - If it just so happens that your monster changes from a sky blue to a dark red as he's charging up his energy blast attack then this is the option where you would make that happen. Select the frame where you want the colour change to occur and then choose the individual colours. Trans - Sets the enemy transparency at different frames if for whatever reason you want the enemy to use an attack that makes them partially see-through. Size - This is a great one because we all know that increasing enemy size by 999% just before they use their ultimate attack makes it that much more badass. Not only can you increase enemy size but you can increase it on all the X, Y and Z axis independently, fat or skinny, bigger of smaller. Rotate - Like it sounds, the ability to make your enemy spin around as it is doing the attack, good for spinning uppercuts and the like. You can set a direct rotation or have them rotate a certain amount per frame. Move - Using this you can have it so the enemy moves around in the battle screen when performing its action, good if you want it to approach you. Effect - You can take an effect animation, use a few modifiers on it and have it appear when the enemy does his attack. if you thought it would be cool to have your enemy perform a fiery uppercut, you could probably do it. SFX - No fiery uppercut is complete without a big "FWASWOOOOOSHHHHHH" sound to accompany it, or something equally as provocative. Take any of the game's many sound effects and attach it to whatever animation frame you wish. Screen Effect: Blur - As the attack progresses you can change the strength of the blurriness on the screen. If there's quite a bit of fire in the attack then this can kind of give off the impression of heat distortion, but I can't quite think of anything useful beyond that, use your imagination. Screen Effect: Colour - Similar to the previous one with maybe a couple more applications. You might want to have it so your ultra-evil enemy has the power to create darkness and totally blacken the screen, who knows. Camera: Zoom - Gives you a variable you can change to go higher or lower depending on the zoom you want. The higher you go the more you will zoom out and the lower you go the more you will zoom in on the enemy. Camera: Move - The last option we have is a panning camera in case your enemy is doing a lot of moving around during his attack and you need the camera to follow to the best of your ability, try not to use this too much. O============================================================================O | Enemies (000D0) | O============================================================================O Now it's time to actually make your own enemies, this is where you design and name each one of them individually. Start off by giving your enemy a name, a note and selecting which enemy model you wish to work with: Weapon - Quite simply this is where you choose the enemy attack property whether they attack with slash type or pierce type is up to you. Stats - Set up the enemy stats here, like I mentioned before don't go nuts with all the stat editing, the defaults are there for a reason and they really help to keep the game as balanced as it possibly can be. Resistance W - Here is where you change the kind fo resistance an enemy has to each type of weapon attack like slash and pierce. Resistance M - The elemental resistances and weaknesses of an enemy. If you are making a monster called ice slime then it's a good bet you're going to want to decrease fire resistance and increase ice resistance. Behavior - This is an interesting one because it kind of gives you some control over the monster AI. You can apply all the attacks you have created for the monster here and choose the ratio of how often they use a particular attack. When you change the ratio of one attack to another the probability will automatically be updated to reflect the changes you made. Reward - Of course this is an RPG so defeating monsters is going to net rewards for your characters. Here is where you can change the amount of experience a monster gives you or how much money it drops when defeated. The wording is kind of odd on "Chest Ratio" but basically what it means is the probability the enemy will drop an item and you choose the item. Rare chest just means the probability for a rare item which you also choose. O============================================================================O | Units (000E0) | O============================================================================O You might be confused as to what units means, basically it is the various parties of enemies you might encounter. For example if you get into a battle with two Slime and a Werewolf, it's not three random enemies but rather that is a specific enemy party that was predesigned. For this reason you'll probably end up making quite a few units. Let's start with the name of the unit and make a note for it. You can choose whether this unit will appear on land, in the sea or in the air only, on combined. You can have up to four enemies in a party and you are given restrictions on the size of the enemies toward how many you can fit. You could probably fit four slimes no problem but not four giant winged demons. Also note you can up the quantity of each specific enemy so it might be possible to fit more than four slimes, just don't go over your "size left" indicator. Once your enemy party is created you're free to test out a battle with them against your main party. Select the test tab and then form a party if one isn't there already by default. Next choose the map on which you wish to test the battle. Feel free to select any of the party member tabs and set your character levels to 99 (it's just a test after all) then enter the battle by selecting the battle button on the right. At any time you wish to leave the battle simply press the start and select buttons at the same time to get out of the screen. O============================================================================O | Unit Placement (000F0) | O============================================================================O Here is where you set up the locations for all those enemy units you just created to appear on the map. You create them in sets rather than individually. Select the Units vertical tab and load up all the enemy units you wish to group together and then set a name for your enemy group. At this point you can select whether you wish to place them on the map or in a dungeon. For map placement choose the map you wish to put them on then select the Edit button at the upper right, from here you can designate an exact area. For dungeon you can simply select the dungeon option and then load this enemy set into any dungeon when you create it. The Ratio tab allows you to set the probability of fighting each enemy unit, for example you can set it so that you'll fight a two slime party more often than a three slime party. O============================================================================O | Scripts (000I0) | O============================================================================O Scripts are the gears and cogs that fit everything together in RPG Maker 2, graphics make up the shell but the scripts really control how the graphics move and work. The following section will detail every last script you can possibly use in this game, no matter whether I fully understand it or not (don't worry, there's not that many truly mind-bending ones once you get your head around them). Scripts are basically events that control virtually anything that "happens" as I mentioned before, a character moving, battle sequence, flash of lightning, teleportation, even simple messages, all of those are scripts. Scripts aren't just a single action however, if you want someone to have a conversation with you, you aren't going to have to make dozens of scripts over and over again, you'll just put all the messages in the same script. First of all we need to start out with a name for your script. Next choose the type, 90% of scripts will be content type but if you need something that is a prerequisite for an event (Page Condition), movement pattern (Action), or start condition (Star Condition) then those options are available to you. Once you've got that then you're ready to start your script. Place your cursor in the large white box below and press X to bring up the list of scripts. Once you choose one you can place another one after it, before it or select the script you put in place to edit or delete it. Scripts will execute in the order you place them in this white box. o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Party (000J0) | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o o-- Possessions -------------------------------------------------------------o Money - This allows you to do one of three things to the party's current amount of money, add a certain amount, subtract a certain amount, or set a definite amount. Below this you can choose what that particular amount is. Item - Here you can choose an item and then whether you wish to add that item to the party's inventory, subtract it, or set a specific amount of them Empty Bag - The purpose of this command is simply to remove all items from the party's inventory. Why would you do such a thing to them, poor items... Use Bag - If you had it so the game starts out with the item bag disabled then this is the command that you would use to set it to be enabled again. o-- Members -----------------------------------------------------------------o Formation - Set a specific party formation using this command. Change - This is more of a relative command rather than a specific, rather than saying exactly what the [arty is you can choose to either add a character to the current party or remove a character from the current party. Leader - Allows you to change who the leader of the party is. o-- Movement ----------------------------------------------------------------o Direction Move - Have the party automatically move in a specific direction. First choose the direction then how many steps you want them to take. If you select movement facing they will look right when they move right but if you select fixed they will keep looking in whatever direction they were looking before and still move right. You can also change the movement speed. Location Move - Rather than having it so they move a specific number of steps automatically, you might not know where the party is positioned so in that case you would just tell them exactly where to move to yourself. Choose the location map and then hit the button beside it to select an exact spot. Direction Change - First choose whether you want the leader to change direction or perhaps the entire party. After that choose which direction, or whether you want them to face the leader and how many animation frames you want it to take for the full rotation to occur (30 Frames = 1 second.) Rotate - Here rather than having the party face a specific direction you can have them rotate at any angle you wish. Select the angle and whether you want it to be clockwise or counterclockwise then how long it should take in frames. Vertical Move - Select whether you want the leader or the entire party to be moved vertically, which means up in the air of course. Choose the height you wish to move them and whether to move them up by that amount or change their exact height to a specific amount that you choose, and the time it takes. Landing - If your party currently happens to be in an airship or something like that then this command will land them back onto the ground. Gather - Using this command you can gather all your party members into the same position as your leader to make it appear as one person. Bypass Objects - When this is in effect your party can move through objects without being hindered. This command is used to turn it on and off. o-- Display -----------------------------------------------------------------o Using this option you get to choose how you want the party to be displayed, whether to hide trailing members or show everyone when moving around. o-- Float -------------------------------------------------------------------o Set it so that either the leader or the whole party is floating off the ground and choose the height and time frame for it to take place. o-- Teleport ----------------------------------------------------------------o Warp - The basic teleportation command used for all things such as going inside or outside pretty much any building or dungeon. When the party goes through a door you'll want to execute this command and teleport them to the entrance of a house using the location and coordinates set with this. Warp to Saved - Basically this is the event you will execute when you want to warp the party to the most recent save position in case they fail to do something on time or anything else that requires backing them up. Teleport - This is used to execute the command made using Set Teleport. Set Teleport - Here you can select a point on the map or wherever to have it so that when you use the teleport command this is where they will warp to. With the Auto command it sets the teleport for you automatically at the event. Delete Teleport - Speaks for itself, used after the Set Teleport command ends. Escape - Similar to the teleport, used with the Set Escape command. Set Escape - This is where you choose the location as an escape point so that you can execute the escape command and have the party escape there... fun. Delete Escape - Once your set escape no longer has a use, delete it! o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Members (000K0) | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o o-- Attributes --------------------------------------------------------------o HP - Change a character's current HP by either adding to it, subtracting from it or overwriting it with a new value, each of which is set below. MP - Change a character's current MP by adding, subtracting, or setting. STR - Change a character's current STR by adding, subtracting, or setting. AGI - Change a character's current AGI by adding, subtracting, or setting. DEF - Change a character's current DEF by adding, subtracting, or setting. INT - Change a character's current INT by adding, subtracting, or setting. LUCK - Change a character's current LUCK by adding, subtracting, or setting. ATTACK - Change a character's ATTACK by adding, subtracting, or setting. ARMOR - Change a character's ARMOR by adding, subtracting, or setting. MAX HP - Change a character's MAX HP by adding, subtracting, or setting. MAX MP - Change a character's MAX MP by adding, subtracting, or setting. o-- Basic Info --------------------------------------------------------------o Name - Change a character's default name to something different. Origin - Have it so the character no longer comes from the same place... Bio - Perhaps the character has gone undercover and needs a new life. Sex - As you know, gender altering surgery is all the rage these days. Weapon Property - For when your character wants to try a new weapon. Experience - Actually this is quite a helpful option since as you know, in many RPGs you can gain experience for doing other things than fighting. Level - In the event the character needs a bonus level... or punishment. Class - Used to force a class change on a specific character. Class Rank - Used when you want to increase a character's Class Rank. Class Experience - Same idea as normal experience, except for classes. Battle Victory - An interesting option where you can change the number of victories listed that a specific member has won, for whatever reason/ Item - Choose a member and an item then select whether to give it or take it. o-- Equip & Abilities -------------------------------------------------------o Equipment Settings - Here is where you select a member of the party and then choose whether it becomes possible for them to remove their weapon, head piece, body piece, shield or accessory depending on what's checked. Equip - Forces a certain member to equip a specific item of your choice. Remove Equipment - Automatically takes off a piece of equipment from someone. Ability - Select a party member and an ability, then either get it or lose it. o-- Status ------------------------------------------------------------------o Action Status - Allows you to inflict a specific action status on a character or remove it if you so desire. The confirm option means that you can check whether a specific status is in effect then do something if it is. Condition Status - Allows you to inflict a specific condition status on a character or remove it if you so desire. The confirm option means that you can check whether a specific status is in effect then do something if it is. Magic Status - Allows you to inflict a specific magic status on a character or remove it if you so desire. The confirm option means that you can check whether a specific status is in effect then do something if it is. Skill Status - Allows you to inflict a specific skill status on a character or remove it if you so desire. The confirm option means that you can check whether a specific status is in effect then do something if it is. o-- Movement ----------------------------------------------------------------o Direction Move - Have a member automatically move in a specific direction. First choose the direction then how many steps you want them to take. If you select movement facing they will look right when they move right but if you select fixed they will keep looking in whatever direction they were looking before and still move right. You can also change the movement speed. Location Move - Rather than having it so they move a specific number of steps automatically, you might not know where the party is positioned so in that case you would just tell them exactly where to move to yourself. Choose the location map and then hit the button beside it to select an exact spot. Direction Change - Choose which direction, or whether you want them to face the leader and how many animation frames you want it to take to occur. Rotate - Here rather than having them face a specific direction you can have a member rotate at any angle. Select the angle and whether you want it to be clockwise or counterclockwise then how long it should take in frames. Vertical Move - Select the party member that you wish to have moved vertically, which means up in the air of course. Choose the height you wish to move them and whether to move them up by that amount or change their exact height to a specific amount that you choose, and the time it takes. Bypass Objects - When this is in effect the member you choose can move through objects without being hindered. This command is used to turn it on and off. Bypass Members - With this in effect the person you choose can bypass members. Lay Down - An interesting command that will make it so the party member of your choice lays down an whatever angle, height and time you want. o-- Display -----------------------------------------------------------------o Display - With this you can change it so that the party member you choose is either displayed and can be seen, or not displayed and appears invisible. Model - Select a party member and another character model to change to. Transparency - Unlike the display, with this you can set different levels of transparency so the party member can still be seen, but not entirely. Color - Basically just lets you change the colour of a party member. Size - Select a party member and use the different points on the axis to increase that member's size by a certain percentage in a certain time frame. Flash - With this you can set it so the party member appears to be flashing, set the amount of time for the person to be seen and not be seen. Motion Change - If you want to change the party member's actions from standing around looking bored to doing a happy dance, use this command. Choose the member and then the action followed by how fast to perform the action. Single Action - This will allow you to make the character just do one revolution of an action, for example the ninja does a backflip but you might just want him to do one, not over and over and over and over and... Look - Not which way the member is facing but rather the look or expression they have on their face, make them happy or sad or whatever. Shadow - If for whatever reason the party member in question no longer blocks the sun's rays, then this would be your script-of-choice. Default - This will fix all the commands you fucked around with in the display category, if you made a half transparent invisible character who is constantly flashing red, black and blue while simultaneously growing and shrinking for no apparent reason then you can gradually change them back over time with this. o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Events (000L0) | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o o-- Control -----------------------------------------------------------------o Start - As you probably guessed, this will allow you to start the event. Temporary Removal - Once again, removes the event temporarily. Duplicate - Select an event and then choose to duplicate it somewhere else. Change - This one is a complicated one, you're basically choosing to change to another event temporarily if you want something to occur but still continue with this particular event after the other one has resolved. Event Info Load - Acquire information for a specific event from the variables and such it was saved into for use in the current event. Event Info Save - Save information from the current event into the specific variables for this map so they can be accessed elsewhere. o-- Event Action ------------------------------------------------------------o * These are only usable with an Action type script set above Random - The character with this script in place with the given parameters you choose in the menu based on facing a fixed direction or facing the direction of the movement, also set how much time it takes per step. East/West - This character will only move East and West, nowhere else! North/South - This charater will only move North and South, nowhere else! To Leader - Use this command to have the event character approach the leader. To Party - Use this command to have the event character approach the party. Act as Member - A simple command to have a character who is not technically in your party follow you around as if they were, good for escorting. Leave Leader - Whichever event character has this in place wants to get the hell away from the leader, perhaps in a big damn hurray if you say so. Up & Down - Perhaps useful if you want to five the impression of hovering. o-- Movement ----------------------------------------------------------------o Direction Move - Have an event automatically move in a specific direction. First choose the direction then how many steps you want them to take. If you select movement facing they will look right when they move right but if you select fixed they will keep looking in whatever direction they were looking before and still move right. You can also change the movement speed. Location Move - Rather than having it so they move a specific number of steps automatically, you might not know where the event is positioned so in that case you would just tell them exactly where to move to yourself. Choose the location map and then hit the button beside it to select an exact spot. Direction Change - Choose which direction, or whether you want them to face the leader and how many animation frames you want it to take to occur. Rotate - Here rather than having them face a specific direction you can have an event rotate at any angle. Select the angle and whether you want it to be clockwise or counterclockwise then how long it should take in frames. Vertical Move - Select the event that you wish to have moved vertically, which means up in the air of course. Choose the height you wish to move them and whether to move them up by that amount or change their exact height to a specific amount that you choose, and the time it takes. Bypass Objects - When this is in effect the event you choose can move through objects without being hindered. This command is used to turn it on and off. Bypass Members - With this in effect the event you choose can bypass members. Lay Down - An interesting command that will make it so the event character of your choice lays down an whatever angle, height and time you want. o-- Display -----------------------------------------------------------------o Display - With this you can change it so that the event character you choose is either displayed and can be seen, or not displayed and appears invisible. Model - Select an event character and another character model to change to. Transparency - Unlike the display, with this you can set different levels of transparency so the event character can still be seen, but not entirely. Color - Basically just lets you change the colour of an event character. Size - Select an event character and use the different points on the axis to increase that member's size by a certain percentage in a certain time frame. Flash - With this you can set it so the event character appears to be flashing, set the amount of time for the person to be seen and not be seen. Motion Change - If you want to change the event character's actions from standing around looking bored to doing a happy dance, use this command. Choose the member and then the action followed by how fast to perform it. Single Action - This will allow you to make the event character just do one revolution of an action, for example the ninja does a backflip but you might just want him to do one, not over and over and over and over and... Look - Not which way the event character is facing but rather the look or expression they have on their face, make them happy or sad or whatever. Shadow - If for whatever reason the event character in question no longer blocks the sun's rays, then this would be your script-of-choice. Default - Once again this sets everything you changed back to default status. o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Input Creation (000M0) | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Multiple Choice - A very important option for characters to have that basically dictates all the choices you will have in the game. Select "Enable Auto Conditions" so it will set the branches up for you in the script window, then however many choices you want and finally the actual choices themselves. You don't need to worry about a question or anything, just use a normal message window before the multiple choice and they will see their question. Numbers - If you want to make it so the player has to input a specific number of something, then here is where you will get the actual input. Maximum and minimum force the player to choose something in your range. Text - If you wish to have it so the player has to input some kind of textual password or something like that, here's where you would do it. Buttons - Basically just a "Press any button to continue" type of thing. Display Member List - Here is where you display a list of current party members on the screen and the played gets to select any one of them. Merchant List - Setup kind of an item shop thing will all sorts of items and a percentage of buying and selling prices. You can load your own script too. Display Buy List - Displays the merchant list to let you buy stuff. Display Who List - Here is where you set it so that when an item is bought, you an choose which party member will receive the specific item. Display Sell List - As you probably figured, bring up a menu to sell stuff. Display Class' Info - For those who want to see info on the classes, use it! Class Change List - If you have it set up so in your game, a character can choose which calls he or she wants to change to, do it here. Inn - When it comes time to rest, there is but no better command to be found. o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Screen Display (000N0) | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o o-- Text --------------------------------------------------------------------o Message - Well, get used to using this command a hell of a lot. You're making an RPG, people are bound to start talking. Select this command and begin to write your message in here. If I'm not mistaken RPG Maker 2 has support for a USB keyboard, so if you didn't know that you might want to give it a try. Honestly, it's perfectly viable to use a controller to type it all in, but just imagine the amount of time you would save with a keyboard! Close Message Window - If there's a message window open, close that shit. Screen - When a text box seems too confining then this is the option for you. Write a bunch of text that will still appear but not in a text box. You can even have it scroll for an opening sequence or something like that. Text Box - Rather than using the default message window you might want to enter text into a message box of dimensions determined by you. Close Text Box - If there's a text box open, close that expletive. Display Money - With this command you can choose to show the amount of money the party has at the upper right corner of the screen or turn it off. Clear Message - This is basically a wipe-out of whatever you did with Message. Font - You can customize the game's default text font to something fun! Color and Size - Similar to font, small white or black text can get quite boring sometimes and every once in awhile you're definitely going to find something that just needs to be said in purple 50 point font. o-- Content -----------------------------------------------------------------o Variable - Take the content of a variable and use it as input as if it was directly input by the player. Used in between two message and directly places it in the message for you automatically after the first before the second. Input - Take the content of an Input Variable and use it as input as if it was directly input by the player. Used in between two message and directly places it in the message for you automatically after the first before the second. Menu - Used for when you have your own custom words for something in the menu and you want to include it as part of your conversation in game. Description - When asked for by the user or when specified by your this can show the description of a specific class, trait, item or ability. o-- Screen Effects ----------------------------------------------------------o Mask - Also known as a border really, set up the positioning of it and the colour, then the time it takes to be set into place and you're ready to roll. This can easily be used to create a widescreen effect if you want it. Color - Select a colour for the whole screen or specific parts of the screen, along with that are transparency options and the time frame. Shake - Oh no! The main bad guy used his sinister Earthquake machine to destroy the town, this is the script you want to use for that. You can set it to shake as strong as you like and how long to do it for as well. Linger - A weird effect used to kind of overlap an old screen with a new screen, amount tells you how much to maintain and for how long. Weather - A nice effect to have, there are four types of weather in the game: Rain, snow, fog and clouds. Of course the default is nice and sunny so you don't have to worry that it's missing. Choose the strength of each weather effect and for how long to maintain the effect. If you're looking for a more permanent effect like always raining you do it specifically with the map. Time - Now that you've got the weather in place you might want to have it gradually change from dawn to noon to dusk to night and such. Default - Sets everything back to a nice mid-day non-earthquake sunny day. o-- Camera ------------------------------------------------------------------o Rotate - You can have it so the camera starts rotating around and basically whatever speed you want it to and in whatever direction as well. Custom Rotate - Here is where you set it so the camera cannot move past your specified bounds, good for keeping a player from screwing around too much. Distance - Pretty much the zoom, set how far away or close the camera is. Viewpoint Angle - Change the vertical angle of the camera. Horizontal Angle - Change the horizontal angle of the camera. Height - Set how high the camera sits from the ground level. Viewpoint Height - Rather than referring to the camera itself, this lets you change the height at which the camera view is pointing. Viewpoint Target - Changes your viewpoint to your attacking target in battle. Default - Fixes everything you messed up with the above options. o-- Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------o Location - Take an effect you have already set up and apply it at a specific location, also choose how many times to repeat it. Party - Choose your preexisting effect and whether to target it at the leader of the party or possibly the party members. How many repetitions as well. Member - Choose your effect and which party member to target it at. Event - Choose your effect and which event to target it at. Target - Choose the effect to target your target enemy in a battle. Viewpoint - Choose the effect to occur at the camera viewpoint in battle. Set Wipe - Here is where you change from either a melt wipe or a shatter wipe, this applies to the screen effect when a battle begins. Apply Wipe - Use this to actually apply the wipe that you already set above. Image - Has to do with displaying a picture on the screen, if you loaded an image in from your camera then use this to display it. Clear All Effects - Just like it says, everything you did using the above effects will be cleared when you select this particular script. o-- Map ---------------------------------------------------------------------o Display Map - Oh how convenient, a simple script to automatically display the map so that your party will have some idea where to go! Remove Map - How dare you! Now how will your party know where to go? There is no longer any map showing on their screen, it's a guessing game to try and figure out where the nearest building, dungeon or bathroom is located. o-- Sea Level ---------------------------------------------------------------o Lastly we have the effect that lets you change what the default sea level is, you are seriously playing god now, rising and lowering the sea with the touch of a button. If you wish to have a town appear flooded (well not just appear flooded, BE flooded) then you'll want to set a high sea level for when that town is being displayed. Be sure to change it back when going anywhere else. o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Sound (000O0) | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o BGM - Start playing a nice tune, whatever song you wish (included in the game library of course) Set the volume, pitch and tempo to your liking. World Sounds - Play some sounds you might hear out in the world like wind, or rain or thunder or anything else kind of ambient-like that. SFX - Quite simple, play a single sound effect included in the game's library. You can change the volume, pitch, tempo and the pan of the effect. Sound Control - Edit an already preexisting sound to either fade out or fade back in. Just in case something important is going on you want to hear. Stop - Stops all sounds going on at the time this script is called. Temporary Save - Saves the current state of a sound or music piece being played so that when it continues after you won't have missed a beat. Replay Saved - Again, if you saved something above you can start it again. Battle Music - A simple command to automatically play the battle music. Map Music - A simple command to automatically play the map music. o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Data (000P0) | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Flags - Flags, identical to the "switches" you might find in other games allow you to turn a single flag or multiple flags on and off. Like the message box you're going to be seeing a lot of this script. Anytime you do anything that requires more than one event to be run on the same character it's going to need a flag to tell you which event to do. I believe an example would be the best way to explain it. Someone in a village tells you to go to the tower and get the magic screwdriver. You go to the tower and get the screwdriver, when you do you turn on the screwdriver flag. Upon returning and speaking to that villager again, the villager script recognizes the screwdriver flag is on and the villager responds with "Oh you found the screwdriver!" That's the idea. Variable - Set a value for a specific variable, any programmer knows the purpose of a variable but for all those other people a variable is meant to store data that can "vary." For example you might have the number of party members in a ground as six, but if they recruit another member the new variable value would be seven. Scripts can check the value of this variable and encorporate it into their conditional actions... that's the idea. Input - Similar to the variables this is the input variables that are input by the player, if you want to you can set them to something specific. Game Info - This has nothing to do with loading and saving of the game in your RPG but rather you can load all the game data into the appropriate variables for checking later and save it as well. The difference between the two is... confusing, but the idea is that you'll want to load all data from your character's current state before actually trying to read any of it. Member Info - All of this has to do with loading your party's information into the appropriate variables. Use Member Order will let you acquire a member's database number and load and save allow you to store the info... or something. Target - Relates to those being targeted by a direct effect, whatever they may be. Allows you to change all sorts of attributes, basic into, abilities and stuff like that. Requires a bit of experimentation to figure out. Load Item Info - Takes all the information from the item and loads it into the appropriate variables, stores the item number and stuff like that. Load Direct Effect Info - Takes all the information from the Direct Effect and loads it into the appropriate variables, stores the number and stuff. Load Indirect Effect Info - Takes all the information from the Indirect Effect and loads it into the appropriate variables, stores the number and stuff. Load Ability Info - Takes all the information from the Ability loads it into the appropriate variables, stores the Ability number and stuff like that. o-- System ------------------------------------------------------------------o Substitute Attribute for Variable - What this does basically is take the value stored in a variable and use it to replace a character attribute. Substitute Variable for Attribute - What this does basically is take the value stored in a character attribute and use it to replace a variable. Item Action - Basically runs the buy and sell commands and stuff without the menus, choose whether the character is buying the item, selling the item or using the item and it just goes ahead and happens... without your approval! Get Member Name - Allows you to obtain a member name from the variable. Get Enemy Name - This allows you to obtain an enemy name from the variable. Get Class Name - Go figure, allows you to get a class name from the variable. Get Class Title Name - Guess what? Obtain a class title name from variable. Get Trait Name - This allows you to obtain a trait name from the variable. Get Item Name - This allows you to get an item name from the variable. Get Ability Name - This allows you to get an ability name from the variable. Confirm Party Item - Confirms whether or not the party actually has the item stored in the item number variable from the Load Item Info script. Confirm Member Item - Checks to see if the member stored in the member number variable actually has the item stored in the item number variable. Confirm Member Ability - Checks to make sure the member stored in the member number variable has the ability stored in the ability number variable. Database Number for Variable - I don't have a fucking clue. I'm sorry, even after trying to use it and reading the start button description. Basically it has something to do with specifying a databse number and then having it remain in place even after using the sort database command... I figure either I'm totally off or the description I just gave is exactly 100% right. Battle Action - Set up a designated action in the action variable. o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Script Branch (000Q0) | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Condition - Choose which condition must be met for a script branch and then if such a condition is met, you will perform all the other scripts found inside the branch you just created, if not then they aren't executed at all. Repeat - If you know the difference between an if statement and a loop statement then you already know the difference between condition and repeat but for those that don't, condition will run through the script once while the condition is met and repeat will run through it until it isn't. Sort - I'm not too sure about this one, it seemingly allows you to sort conditions to execute them all possibly like an else if, I've never needed it. Apply If - Used along with the sort script for multiple conditions. No Application - Going back to programming once again this seems to be the else statement given that despite everything, no conditions are met. To End - Quite simply goes to the end of your condition. To Top - Quite simply goes to the top of your condition. o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Script (000R0) | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Call Script - Now this is definitely taken directly from a programming perspective. What do you do when you've got a bunch of code (Scripts) that do the same thing in different events. Well you make ONE script (function) that has those repeated scripts then you just make it so all the other scripts that need to use it call it in a single line to save space and time. Wait for Script End - Will not continue with the current script until all called scripts come to an end, only works with Apply Together. Apply in Order - Sets it to all called scripts must be applied one after another while waiting to finish. Only works with Apply Together. Apply Together - Sets it so all the scripts execute at once rather than executing one after another. Apply in Order sets it back to normal. Force Script End - Just like it says, the script is done... PERIOD. o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Battle (000S0) | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o o-- Enemy -------------------------------------------------------------------o Call Same Enemy - This command allows you to have the same enemy as a participant enter the battle and treated as part of the same group. Enable Call Same Enemy must have succeeded before this works. Call Other Enemy - Allows you to call a different enemy into battle, one which is not currently present and that you set right here. Enable Call Other Enemy must have succeeded before this works. Enable Call Same Enemy - Checks to see if it is possible to call the same enemy into battle, if it is then turns out the correct flag. Enable Call Other Enemy - Checks to see if it is possible to call another enemy into battle, if it is then turns out the correct flag. Enemy Action - Automatically lets you force the enemy to do a particular action like attack automatically when the script is called. Default Enemy Action - Returns the enemy's action back to normal. Enemy Action Still - Either pauses or resumes the enemy action. o-- System ------------------------------------------------------------------o Check Who Goes First - Checks to see who will get the first turn. Check Who Goes Next - Checks to see who will get the next turn. Change Back Active Character - Switch back to active character that was the active character before the direct effect came into play. Substitute Attribute for Variable - What this does basically is take the value stored in a variable and use it to replace a character attribute. Substitute Variable for Attribute - What this does basically is take the value stored in a character attribute and use it to replace a variable. Make Active Caracter - This command lets you to switch instigator and target. Give Exp - Gives you the amount of experience you would get from the battle. Give Money - Gives the amount of money you would get from the battle. Give Items - Gives whatever items you would get from the battle. Check Level Up - Lets you level someone up if they got enough experience. Check Level & Ability - If they level up let them learn an ability. Check Class Level Up - Lets you level someone if they got enough experience. Check Class Level & Ability - If they level up let them learn an ability. o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o | Other (000T0) | o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Event Battle - Automatically lets you begin a specified battle against an enemy, also set the battle start and end defaults if you wish. o-- Vehicle -----------------------------------------------------------------o Set As Vehicle - The event you're currently working on becomes a vehicle with a number specified by you that can be referred to by that number. Ride Vehicle - Command that allows the party to enter the vehicle. Deploy Vehicle - Lets you take a vehicle and get inside of it. Control Vehicle - This command must be used to give the player control. Exit Vehicle - Just like it says, get out of your vehicle. Call Vehicle - Warp vehicle to wherever it is you specify here. o----------------------------------------------------------------------------o Controller Vibration - Pretty self explanatory, lets you set the strength of the vibration and also the duration of the vibration as well. Show Save Window - If you're at a save point then you can let the player save their game. Saves the current state of their progress in the RPG. Start New Game File - Lets the player start a new game from inside the RPG. Wait - Quite simply you can have a delay script in the middle of one of your events in case the passage of time will help you out in some way. None - This is the ultimate command, it doesn't do.... ANYTHING! Finish Game - After the ending credits have rolled... Note - Basically RPG Maker 2's comment system, write yourself a note. O============================================================================O | Events (000U0) | O============================================================================O Events are what actually run all the scripts you created, at least for the most part. If for example you had a villager who says "Hello there" then you would make a script with the message "Hello there" and the villager himself would be an event that calls that script when the talk condition is applied, but we will get to that. Let's take a look at each field individually: Start by giving a name to this event and set a note for yourself. The condition type is going to be normal most of the time as long as you event is a character or object or something along those lines. There are ten fields that can be used, so as you can see one villager can have up to ten different conditions that must be met before they say something. When you select one you'll get a list of all the possible conditions. Of course there may be no condition, you might need a certain member in your party, a certain number of members, more than a certain amount of money, have a specific item, have a flasg either on or off or lastly a value in a variable must be greater than a number that you specify here in the field. Display type lets you select whether the event is a character, object or even building. Select the direction you wish for them to face and then choose the character or object model. After that you can set up an action script that includes movement commands in the motion section. Start lets you choose one of five conditions that will trigger the event script. Touch - When you character moves beside the event. Equal - When your character moves on top of the event. Talk - When your character talks to the event character. Examine - When your character examines the event object. Auto - Automatically occurs while on the same map as the event. Beside all those conditions you can choose a start script you've written yourself. Finally at the bottom is the actual script the event will activate. O============================================================================O | Event Placement (000V0) | O============================================================================O Here is where you take the events you have already made and set them into the correct places in dungeons and towns and stuff like that. Let's say you made a normal villager guy and want to place him in town. Give a name to the event set for that town. I'm not quite sure what B Data is for, I think it lets you load a previous event set temporarily or something like that, it's not too important. Choose whether your area is a dungeon or a map, select the object set as well which you created in the graphic editor so that things like tables, chairs, etc will chow up and then select the edit button at the top right of the screen. You'll be brought to a screen with your map. Hit X where you want to place your event and then use the left and right buttons on the D-pad to select which event you wish to set into place. O============================================================================O | Character Models (000W0) | O============================================================================O While there are 115 basic models you have in this game, those models can be edited and saved as if they were different characters which allows you to really increase the amount of characters so while they may be the same "model" technically, their colour and expressions will set the, apart. Choose a name for your character and then choose the model which you wish to edit. There are sixteen different colours for most models, when you hover your cursor over one of those colours it will flash on the character model so you will know what will be changed when you edit the colour. You can change the transparency of the character as well as the size of the character. Change the face of the character at the bottom and perhaps give him some emotions and some actions on the right side. You can examine the model better using the left and right analog sticks to move it around as well as the L1 and L2 buttons to zoom in and out. L3 returns it back to the default. O============================================================================O | Objects Models (000X0) | O============================================================================O Very similar to the character model editor in most respects. Name your new object and put a note with it. Select the model of the object you wish to edit and then change the colours on it, however many can be edited. You can edit the transparency and the size as well. Some items have actions you can change, you can tell if an object has an action attached to it by just selecting the model option and seeing which objects are moving. O============================================================================O | Enemy Models (000Y0) | O============================================================================O Once again, quite similar. Choose the enemy you wish to edit and give it a name and note. You can change the colours of the enemy as well as the transparency and the size. Many enemies have their own actions as well. O============================================================================O | Building Editor (000Z0) | O============================================================================O This one is slightly different than the ones before it. What you can do is make a building here rather than as part of a dungeon then use it in the dungeon or town or whatever. This way you can use it more than once and things get a lot easier. Make a name for your building and then click the edit button to start building it. The Custom tab will allow you to edit a few things that have to do with the look of your particular building. O============================================================================O | Dungeon Editor (000A1) | O============================================================================O This is an extremely important feature you'll be using all the time pretty much whenever you create an indoor and many outdoor maps as well. Come up with the name of your dungeon and choose the custom tab. You can edit the transparency and distortion of your dungeon as well as the background colour and more. In the Effect tab choose the type of whether you want on the map and the strength of the shadows and stuff like that. When you're ready, edit. The controls here are pretty similar to other edit type map stuff you have likely done before, but we'll run through the basics. When you're ready to set a block hit X and then move your cursor left or right to make it longer, and up and down to make it taller. This way you can make a large flat surface without doing it one block at a time. The D-pad moves your block around, holding R1 and using the D-pad controls the camera. Holding R1 and spinning the left analog stick controls the zoom. Tap L1 and L2 to move the block up and down respectively. Now if you want to apply a texture to the block you'll have to do it one side at a time, often the player will only see one side so that's all you'll need. Position the camera so it's facing the side you want to add the texture to and the game will automatically assume that's the side you're talking about. Hold R2 to bring up the texture menu and use the D-pad and X button to cycle between and select the texture you're looking for. O============================================================================O | Map Editor (000A2) | O============================================================================O If you're wondering what the difference between the map and dungeon editors are, the map editor is solely for creating outdoor environments and while the dungeon editor can do that as well, the map editor allows you to edit your own terrain and not just be limited to single blocks and such like that. The map editor is quite confusing at first but hopefully this little summary will help you out a little bit. Select a name for your map as usual. On the Custom tab you can change the sky colours for each time of day, the fog level, the level of the ground, snow and sea, the basic textures for each type of terrain, the texture and colour of the trees, the texture and colour of the sea at each time of day and all sorts of weather options as well, far more than you had when simply making a dungeon, mess around with all of them. When editing your map here are the basic controls. It's the same of the dungeon editor for camera, control it while holding R1 and using the D-pad for moving and left analog for zoom. Press the X button to place your terrain, use the L1 and L2 buttons to raise or lower it before you hit X again which sets it in place. Before hitting X the second time you can do quite a few different things to the terrain by holding the square or triangle buttons and move the D-pad around. Once a piece of terrain has been set you can still eidit it in full or in partial to get different effects like sloping hills of multiple angles, dipped ponds surrounded by land and pretty much anything you can think of. Check the full list of controls at the top of the guide or try pressing the start button while experimenting yourself for tutorials. O============================================================================O | Object Placement (000A!) | O============================================================================O If you understand how the event placement works then this is the exact same thing. Say you made a dungeon, and you wanted to place a candle on the wall. Well make a name for your object set for that dungeon and place the candle on the well, after that you can load this particular object set into the dungeon. O============================================================================O | World Organization (000A3) | O============================================================================O Everything comes together here, this is where the event placement you set up for a dungeon, the object placement and the dungeon itself are linked so that the game knows that all three belong together. Create a name which is often just the name of the dungeon, then choose which dungeon or map you're referring to. Load the event placement set and object placement set you've already made for that dungeon. Units allows you to set up which enemy units will appear on this map/dungeon. If you wish you can choose some music that will always be playing in the background, as well as ambient sounds. On the script tab you can select two events, one that will occur upon entering this map/dungeon and another that will occur once you leave the map/dungeon. O============================================================================O | Visual Effects (000A4) | O============================================================================O This is a fun one a bit different from the other choices in the graphics menu, it will allow you to for the most part design and customize your own spell or ability effect. Star by selecting a base effect. Once you load that up you'll have a menu which can differ depending on what you loaded, but basically it will give you a number of graphics options that will let you customize the effect you chose in various ways like colour, size etc. Once the effect is loaded in (you can load more than one if you like) then give the whole attack a name at the top and choose how many frames you want for it to take place. Now, I think this is best explained by an example. Let's suppose you chose the comet and want to to fly in from off screen and hit the enemy. Move the marker to frame 30 and then select the comet. Choose new. There are a number of options here but we'll start with the simplest, hold X on the move button and then use the D-pad to move it where you want it to be at 30 frames (after one second). The game will take care of the rest, assuming it starts off screen at the beginning and you moved it on top of the enemies at frame 30 then a comet will fly in from off screen directly toward the enemies on the path you made and hit them in exactly one second. You can load up an explosion effect and have that come in when the comet hits, or you can go to other frames and move the comet multiple times so it has a winding path. That's the idea of how it works, there are other options to play with of course, you'll just need to mess around with them to come up with something that looks good to you. One more note, that SFX bar can be used to play sounds effects like explosions at a single frame of your choosing. O============================================================================O | Image (000A5) | O============================================================================O What this is used for is loading an image fro ma digital camera into the game which can be displayed on screen to the player and even used as a texture I believe. It's loaded in through USB as far as I know. My HP camera does not work with it and my PSP does not work with it so I've never got it to work, but perhaps you have a camera that does, then you can have images! O============================================================================O | Sound Test (000A6) | O============================================================================O Like it says, here is where you can sample quickly all the music, ambient noise and sound effects from the game. Edit pitch, volume and tempo too. O============================================================================O | Trash (000A7) | O============================================================================O If you deleted any events or objects or characters or pretty much anything they will appear here before being deleted forever. Once you remove them from the trash bin then they will indeed be gone forever. Works pretty much the same as the recycle bin on your desktop... assuming you're a windows user. O============================================================================O | Test Play (000A8) | O============================================================================O Try out your RPG at the designated start point using the start command or wherever you last exited using the resume command. The load command can be used to load a saved game at a specific point in your RPG. O============================================================================O | File (000A9) | O============================================================================O New - Eliminate everything you've done and start a brand new RPG. Load - Load an RPG you have already been working on previously. Save - Save the RPG you are currently working on now. Delete All - Eliminate all your work without but don't start a new one. Title Screen - Returns you back to the RPG Maker 2 title screen automatically. Preferences - Here you can change the difficulty level as well as the music that plays in the background while you work. Edit the screen colours, set a screen saver, change the default font, sounds and the wait for the help men. Sort Database - Here is where you can change the order of all the stuff you've been bust creating in your game in case it gets a little messy. O============================================================================O | Fu-Ma (000B0) | O============================================================================O You might be wondering what Fu-Ma is, well Fu-Ma is a game included with RPG Maker 2 that was designed entirely using the RPG Maker 2 software from the people who designed the very popular Dragon Quest games. You won't find a walkthrough for the game here (it isn't exactly the pinnacle of difficulty anyway) but you should be aware it can be played and loaded right off the game disc whenever you want. In fact, just to get some ideas you might be interested in editing the game yourself. Fu-Ma is password protected when you try and load it up for editing, the password for getting through is: Circle, x, up, left, down, right, square, triangle O============================================================================O | What Game Should I Make? (000A0) | O============================================================================O This section is totally unnofficial in terms of the game and serves mostly to help those people who end up buying a game like this because they have so many different ideas for games, then sitting down with it and not having a clue what to do. I certainly can't tell you what you should do, but I can perhaps make some suggestions that will help you come to a decision. Let's start right at the beginning, you're just starting out and you have no idea how the game works, perhaps that's why you're looking at this guide in the first place. Many people will be inclined to pick this game up because they thought of "the greatest game" ever and of course they'll delve right into that. There is one problem with that of course, your game is going to be a big piece of shit. At least at the start. The FAQ serves as a helping tool, but there's no substitute for practice and you are GOING to get a lot better with the software the more you use it. The question is, who wants to play a game that starts out bad and gets progressively better as you go? Maybe some of your friends perhaps, but few others. If you want to make a game with more appeal you want something that grabs you right from the start and hooks you the whole time, something like that is only going to come from someone who is experienced and knows what he/she is doing from the start. Where is this going you ask? Well I don't want to hold you back from creating this ultimate game in your head, but I strongly suggest working with a smaller project that you don't have big plans for to start. There's a couple reasons for this, a smaller less important project can be finished and scrapped/archived easily without too much loss, and also since you don't have any expectations for it you're free to experiment all you want with the software, trying crazy things, and not give a damn if it all goes to hell. From all this experimentation you're bound to come up with things that really do work, then when you move on to your big project you can leave behind all the crap and come up with something great, that's the way I see it. To be perfectly direct, make your first project a joke. You might be inclined to say "Fine Alex, I'll do some small save the princess quest" or something like that. Sure that's good too, but I find it's a lot more fun to work with an initial project that doesn't take itself seriously at all. If your "save the princess" game accidentally programs the princess to walk into a wall instead of toward your character, your game will certainly appeal more if you explain it with the queen's substance abuse during pregnancy, than just leaving it there to make your game look weird. I think you should try to have as much fun as you can with your first project, after that you can go on to make anything you want and you'll be glad you chose to learn everything first. Remember that I'm not talking about clicking once through all the menus and trying to learn by observation. Ideally the initial project would probably take a couple of weeks so you have adequate time to actually try everything out for yourself, and not just once, but numerous times. Sure you can make a spell effect that flashes on the screen and say you've learned it all, but someone else who has been making spell effects for awhile could still come up with something a million times more impressive than your crappy little flash. Work hard at it, and in the long run, hopefully that game you had in your mind when you saw RPG Maker 2 in the game store will be all the better for it. O============================================================================O | Beyond the Limitations (000AH) | O============================================================================O As a final note before going into the appendix I wanted to dedicate this last section to not just giving you ideas of what kind of game to make, but giving you ideas beyond the "story" or scope of your RPG to really get you to extend the technical boundaries of this game and to do so I'll be focusing on one main example, take what you can from this but don't be limited by this one single idea. Keep it in mind as just one way that perhaps this game can be used for more than the traditional style RPG purpose. The example I would like to site is as follows. Note that the battle system in this game is of course fairly set in stone as a first person perspective tun based battle. Now imagine if you wanted to change this... I'm not saying there is a script out there with a "Battle System" check box where you can select different types, if you're looking to do this you're going to have to program it yourself. We'll start with the basics of what I mean. You have a dungeon with two characters on it, your character and a supposed "enemy character." You do note have control of your character, nor is the enemy moving. Instead you have a pop-up input box and a number of options about steps you wish to take and in which direction. Once you choose this your character moves and suddenly, the end of that input script generated enemy movement in the "Approach leader" script for a certain number of steps. Back to you again, let's say the enemy is close and along with this move menu there is an attack command. You choose it and select a nearby panel where the enemy is, you're script pops up a message window showing a number of damage based on the enemy's predetermined health variable. You see where I'm going here? Setting up the situation I just described is fuck-tacularaly difficult but it CAN be done as can many other things with this game. Always remember that while the battle system or other aspects of this game might not be flexible, scripts are extremely flexible, and there's absolutely no written role telling you how you have to use them. O============================================================================O | Main Menu Navigation (000G0) | O============================================================================O How many times have you struggled to find that one menu and just been lost in among all the other ones. This is here to save you a bit of time, you can just Crtl+f the phrase you're looking for in the guide, not in the game. Game -------------------+------> Game Settings | +------> General Settings | +------> Party Members | +------> Classes | +------> Traits | +------> Items | +------> Abilities | +------> Direct Effects | +------> Indirect Effects Enemies -------------------+------> Enemy Actions | +------> Enemies | +------> Units | +------> Unit Placement Scripts -------------------+------> Scripts | +------> Events | +------> Event Placement Graphics -------------------+------> Character Models | +------> Object Models | +------> Enemy Models | +------> Building Editor | +------> Dungeon Editor | +------> Map Editor | +------> Object Placement | +------> World Organization | +------> Visual Effects | +------> Image Sound -------------------+------> Sound Test Trash -------------------+------> N/A Test Play -------------------+------> Resume | +------> Load | +------> Start File -------------------+------> New | +------> Load | +------> Save | +------> Delete All | +------> Title Screen | +------> Preferences | +------> Sort Database About Help -------------------+------> N/A O============================================================================O | Script Menu Navigation (000H0) | O============================================================================O Party -+--> Possessions --------------+--> Money | | | +--> Item | | | +--> Empty Bag | | | +--> Use Bag | +--> Members ------------------+--> Formation | | | +--> Change | | | +--> Leader | +--> Movement -----------------+--> Direction Move | | | +--> Location Move | | | +--> Direction Change | | | +--> Rotate | | | +--> Vertical Move | | | +--> Landing | | | +--> Gather | | | +--> Bypass Objects | +--> Display Party | +--> Float | +--> Teleport -----------------+--> Warp | +--> Warp to Saved | +--> Teleport | +--> Set Teleport | +--> Delete Teleport | +--> Escape | +--> Set Escape | +--> Delete Escape Members -+--> Attributes ---------------+--> HP | | | +--> MP | | | +--> STR | | | +--> AGI | | | +--> DEF | | | +--> INT | | | +--> LUCK | | | +--> ATTACK | | | +--> ARMOR | | | +--> MAX HP | | | +--> MAX MP | +--> Basic Info ---------------+--> Name | | | +--> Origin | | | +--> Bio | | | +--> Sex | | | +--> Weapon Property | | | +--> Experience | | | +--> Level | | | +--> Class | | | +--> Class Rank | | | +--> Class Experience | | | +--> Battle Victor | | | +--> Item | +--> Equip & Abilities --------+--> Equipment Settings | | | +--> Equip | | | +--> Remove Equipment | | | +--> Ability | +--> Status -------------------+--> Action Status | | | +--> Condition Status | | | +--> Magic Status | | | +--> Skill Status | +--> Movement -----------------+--> Direction Move | | | +--> Location Move | | | +--> Direction Change | | | +--> Rotate | | | +--> Vertical Move | | | +--> Bypass Objects | | | +--> Bypass Members | | | +--> Lay Down | +--> Effects-------------------+--> Display | +--> Model | +--> Transparency | +--> Color | +--> Size | +--> Flash | +--> Motion Change | +--> Single Action | +--> Look | +--> Shadow | +--> Default Events -+--> Control ------------------+--> Start | | | +--> Temporary Removal | | | +--> Duplicate | | | +--> Change | | | +--> Event Info Load | | | +--> Event Info Save | +--> Event Action -------------+--> Random | | | +--> East / West | | | +--> North / South | | | +--> To Leader | | | +--> To Party | | | +--> Act As Member | | | +--> Leave Ladder | | | +--> Up & Down | +--> Movement -----------------+--> Direction Move | | | +--> Location Move | | | +--> Direction Change | | | +--> Rotate | | | +--> Vertical Move | | | +--> Bypass Objects | | | +--> Bypass Members | | | +--> Lay Down | +--> Effects ------------------+--> Display | +--> Model | +--> Transparency | +--> Color | +--> Size | +--> Flash | +--> Motion Change | +--> Single Action | +--> Look | +--> Shadow | +--> Default Input Creation -+--> Multiple Choice | +--> Numbers | +--> Text | +--> Buttons | +--> Display Member List | +--> Merchant List | +--> Display Buy List | +--> Display Who List | +--> Display Sell List | +--> Display Class' Info | +--> Class Change List | +--> Inn Screen Display -+--> Text ---------------------+--> Message | | | +--> Close Message Window | | | +--> Screen | | | +--> Text Box | | | +--> Close Text Box | | | +--> Display Money | | | +--> Clear Message | | | +--> Font | | | +--> Color and Size | +--> Content ------------------+--> Variable | | | +--> Input | | | +--> Menu Text | | | +--> Description | +--> Screen Effects -----------+--> Mask | | | +--> Color | | | +--> Shake | | | +--> Linger | | | +--> Weather | | | +--> Time | | | +--> Default | +--> Camera -------------------+--> Rotate | | | +--> Custom Rotate | | | +--> Distance | | | +--> Viewpoint Angle | | | +--> Horizontal Angle | | | +--> Height | | | +--> Viewpoint Height | | | +--> Viewpoint Target | | | +--> Default | +--> Effects ------------------+--> Location | | | +--> Party | | | +--> Member | | | +--> Event | | | +--> Target | | | +--> Viewpoint | | | +--> Set Wipe | | | +--> Apply Wipe | | | +--> Image | | | +--> Clear All Effects | +--> Map ----------------------+--> Display Map | | | +--> Remove Map | +--> Sea Level Sound -+--> BGM | +--> World Sounds | +--> SFX | +--> Sound Control | +--> Stop | +--> Temporary Save | +--> Replay Saved | +--> Battle Music | +--> Map Music Data -+--> Flags | +--> Variable | +--> Input | +--> Game Info ----------------+--> Load | | | +--> Save | +--> Member Info --------------+--> Use Member Order | | | +--> Load | | | +--> Save | +--> Target -------------------+--> Attributes | | | +--> Basic Info | | | +--> Equip & Abilities | | | +--> Status | +--> Load Item Info | +--> Load Direct Effect Info | +--> Load Indirect Info | +--> Load Ability Info | +--> System -------------------+--> Substitute Attribute | +--> Substitute Variable | +--> Item Action | +--> Get Member Name | +--> Get Enemy Name | +--> Get Class Name | +--> Get Class Title Name | +--> Get Trait Name | +--> Get Item Name | +--> Get Ability Name | +--> Confirm Party Item | +--> Confirm Member Item | +--> Confirm Member Ability | +--> Database Number for Var | +--> Battle Action Script Branch -+--> Condition | +--> Repeat | +--> Sort | +--> Apply If | +--> No Application | +--> To End | +--> To Top Script -+--> Call Script | +--> Wait For Script End | +--> Apply In Order | +--> Apply Together | +--> Force Script End Battle -+--> Enemy --------------------+--> Call Same Enemy | | | +--> Call Other Enemy | | | +--> Enable Call Same Enemy | | | +--> Enable Call Other Enemy | | | +--> Enemy Action | | | +--> Default Enemy Action | | | +--> Enemy Action Still | +--> System -------------------+--> Check Who Goes First | +--> Check Who Goes Next | +--> Change Back Active Char | +--> Substitute Target Attr | +--> Substitute Variable | +--> Make Active Character | +--> Give Exp | +--> Give Money | +--> Give Items | +--> Check Level Up | +--> Check Level Up & Ability | +--> Check Class Level Up | +--> Check Class LvUp & Ablty Other -+--> Event Battle | +--> Vehicle +--> Set As Vehicle | | | +--> Ride Vehicle | | | +--> Deploy Vehicle | | | +--> Control Vehicle | | | +--> Exit Vehicle | | | +--> Call Vehicle | +--> Controller Vibration | +--> Show Save Window | +--> Start New GameFile | +--> Wait | +--> None | +--> Finish Game | +--> Note O============================================================================O | Visual Effects Navigation (000AA) | O============================================================================O Effect -+--> Smoke | +--> Firework | +--> Sunbeam | +--> Pillar | +--> Slice | +--> Lens Flare | +--> Lightning | +--> Ripple Object -+--> Fire & Ice ---------------+--> Comet A | | | +--> Comet B | | | +--> Explosion A | | | +--> Explosion B | | | +--> Icicle A | | | +--> Icicle B | +--> Magic --------------------+--> Boulder | | | +--> Meteor | | | +--> Skull | | | +--> Ring | | | +--> Symbol | | | +--> Orb | +--> Optical ------------------+--> Barrier A | | | +--> Barrier B | | | +--> Portal | | | +--> Aura | | | +--> Glow A | | | +--> Glow B | +--> Weapons ------------------+--> Dagger | | | +--> Sword | | | +--> Ax | | | +--> Hammer | | | +--> Staff | | | +--> Spear | | | +--> Lance | | | +--> Boomerang | | | +--> Arrow | | | +--> Shuriken | | | +--> Projectile | | | +--> Missle | | | +--> Weight 2D Animation -+--> Fire----------------------+--> Flames | | | +--> Explosion A | | | +--> Explosion B | | | +--> Smoke | +--> Lightning ----------------+--> Bolt Single | | | +--> Bolt Multi | +--> Attack -------------------+--> Slice | | | +--> Thrust | | | +--> Hit | | | +--> Whip | +--> Magic --------------------+--> Sleep | | | +--> Clock | | | +--> Cross 2D Image -+--> Crystal ------------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Bubble -------------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Egg ----------------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Particle A ---------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Particle B ---------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Star ---------------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Heart --------------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Cloud --------------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Leaf ---------------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Feather ------------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Note A -------------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Note B -------------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Lens Flare ---------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Ying Yang ----------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup | +--> Symbol -------------------+--> 2D Setup | | | +--> 3D Setup Text -+--> 2D Setup | +--> 3D Setup O============================================================================O | Character Database (000AB) | O============================================================================O o------------o-------------------------o------------o------------------------o | Chara 000 | Hero | Chara 001 | Soldier Male | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 002 | Soldier Female | Chara 003 | Monk Male | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 004 | Monk Female | Chara 005 | Fighter Male | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 006 | Fighter Female | Chara 007 | Sorcerer | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 008 | Sorceress | Chara 009 | Priest | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 010 | Priestess | Chara 011 | Hunter | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 012 | Huntress | Chara 013 | Merchant Male | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 014 | Merchant Female | Chara 015 | Jester Male | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 016 | Jester Female | Chara 017 | Pirate Captain | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 018 | Pirate | Chara 019 | Sailor | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 020 | Cowboy | Chara 021 | Cowgirl | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 022 | Dancer | Chara 023 | Nomad Male | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 024 | Nomad Female | Chara 025 | Nomad Leader | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 026 | King | Chara 027 | Queen | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 028 | Prince | Chara 029 | Pincess | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 030 | Knight | Chara 031 | Robot A | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 032 | Robot B | Chara 033 | Baby | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 034 | Child Male | Chara 035 | Child Female | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 036 | Young Male | Chara 037 | Young Female | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 038 | Adult Male | Chara 039 | Adult Female | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 040 | Old Male | Chara 041 | Old Female | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 042 | Chef | Chara 043 | Waitress | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 044 | Clerk | Chara 045 | Minister | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 046 | Barbarian | Chara 047 | Fat Male | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 048 | Thin Male | Chara 049 | Eskimo Male | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 050 | Eskimo Female | Chara 051 | Arabian Male | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 052 | Arabian Female | Chara 053 | African Male | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 054 | African Female | Chara 055 | Magistrate | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 056 | General | Chara 057 | Duchess | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 058 | Samurai | Chara 059 | Ninja Male | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 060 | Ninja Female | Chara 061 | Imp | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 062 | Student Male | Chara 063 | Student Female | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 064 | Male | Chara 065 | Female | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 066 | Teacher Male | Chara 067 | Teacher Female | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 068 | Professor | Chara 069 | Thief | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 070 | God | Chara 071 | Goddess | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 072 | Angel | Chara 073 | Demon | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 074 | Fairy | Chara 075 | Death | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 076 | Spirit | Chara 077 | Fiend | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 078 | Crusader | Chara 079 | Pharaoh | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 080 | Count | Chara 081 | Mummy | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 082 | Skeleton | Chara 083 | Treant | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 084 | Guardian | Chara 085 | Mermaid | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 086 | Wolf Man | Chara 087 | Bird Boy | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 088 | Dog | Chara 089 | Cat | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 090 | Pig | Chara 091 | Sheep | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 092 | Horse | Chara 093 | Camel | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 094 | Bird | Chara 095 | Chicken | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 096 | Penguin | Chara 097 | Ostrich | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 098 | Dragon Young | Chara 099 | Dragon Mature | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 100 | Squid | Chara 101 | Turtle | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 102 | Sea Turtle | Chara 103 | Slime | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 104 | Vase | Chara 105 | Coffin | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 106 | Boss A | Chara 107 | Boss B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 108 | Elf Male | Chara 109 | Elf Female | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 110 | Superhero | Chara 111 | Artist | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 112 | Magician | Chara 113 | Cleric | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Chara 114 | Pixie | Chara 115 | Oracle | o------------o-------------------------o------------o------------------------o O============================================================================O | Object Database (000AC) | O============================================================================O o------------o-------------------------o------------o------------------------o | Object 000 | Barrel | Object 001 | Crate | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 002 | Bag | Object 003 | Sack | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 004 | Vase A | Object 005 | Vase B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 006 | Chest | Object 007 | Coin Small | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 008 | Coin Silver | Object 009 | Coin Gold | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 010 | Coin Bronze | Object 011 | Magic Lamp | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 012 | Pile of Gold | Object 013 | Grass | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 014 | Weeds | Object 015 | Flower | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 016 | Vegetable | Object 017 | Mushroom | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 018 | Flower Bed | Object 019 | Flower Planter | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 020 | Potted Plant | Object 021 | Potted Tree | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 022 | Tall Weed | Object 023 | Sunflower | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 024 | Cactus | Object 025 | Tree Small | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 026 | Tree Large | Object 027 | Tree Stump Half | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 028 | Tree Dead | Object 029 | Tree Palm | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 030 | Stairs A Up | Object 031 | Stairs A Down | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 032 | Stairs B Center | Object 033 | Stairs B Right | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 034 | Stairs B Left | Object 035 | Stairs B Down | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 036 | Stairs C | Object 037 | Bridge | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 038 | Pier End | Object 039 | Pier Center | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 040 | Rope Bridge End | Object 041 | Rope Bridge Mid | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 042 | Log Bridge | Object 043 | River | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 044 | Waterfall Upper | Object 045 | Waterfall Mid | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 046 | Waterfall Side A | Object 047 | Waterfall Side B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 048 | Wooden Sign | Object 049 | Rocks | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 050 | Pillar A | Object 051 | Pillar B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 052 | Fence A | Object 053 | Fence B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 054 | Fence C | Object 055 | Fence D | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 056 | Lumber | Object 057 | Bonfire | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 058 | Crack Extension | Object 059 | Crack | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 060 | Gear A | Object 061 | Gear B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 062 | Propeller A | Object 063 | Propeller B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 064 | Propeller C | Object 065 | Drill A | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 066 | Drill B | Object 067 | Tracks Straight | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 068 | Tracks Curved | Object 069 | Tracks Broken | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 070 | Tracks End | Object 071 | Flag | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 072 | Weather Vein | Object 073 | Switch | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 074 | Rock Pillar | Object 075 | Talisman Statue | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 076 | Statue | Object 077 | Lantern Pedestal | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 078 | Rock Monument | Object 079 | Temple Pillar A | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 080 | Temple Pillar B | Object 081 | Interior Pillar | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 082 | Bridge Chain L | Object 083 | Bridge Chain R | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 084 | Skull | Object 085 | Coffin | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 086 | Tombstone A | Object 087 | Tombstone B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 088 | Tombstone C | Object 089 | Broken Wall | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 090 | Canopy | Object 091 | Clothesline | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 092 | Water Trough | Object 093 | Well | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 094 | Fountain | Object 095 | Watermill | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 096 | Windmill | Object 097 | Crater | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 098 | Cannon | Object 099 | Stained Glass | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 100 | Large Clock | Object 101 | Bell Tower | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 102 | Gate A | Object 103 | Gate B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 104 | Tent | Object 105 | Igloo | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 106 | Snowman | Object 107 | Crystal Form | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 108 | Rock Face | Object 109 | Sign Weapon | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 110 | Sign Armor | Object 111 | Sign Item | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 112 | Sign Inn | Object 113 | Sign Tavern | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 114 | Sign Magic | Object 115 | Sign Generic | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 116 | Broom | Object 117 | Hoe | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 118 | Club | Object 119 | Sword | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 120 | Broken Sword | Object 121 | Swords Wall | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 122 | Axe | Object 123 | Hammer | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 124 | Spear Rack | Object 125 | Whip Wall | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 126 | Bow and Arrows | Object 127 | Scepter A | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 128 | Scepter B | Object 129 | Royal Flag | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 130 | Helmet | Object 131 | Armor | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 132 | Gauntlets | Object 133 | Shield | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 134 | Chimney A | Object 135 | Chimney B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 136 | Chimney C | Object 137 | Window A | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 138 | Window B | Object 139 | Window C | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 140 | Window D | Object 141 | Window E | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 142 | Window F | Object 143 | Window G | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 144 | Window Inside A | Object 145 | Window Inside B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 146 | Window Inside C | Object 147 | Window Inside D | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 148 | Window Inside E | Object 149 | Window Inside F | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 150 | Door Single A | Object 151 | Door Single B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 152 | Door Single B | Object 153 | Door SIngle C | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 154 | Door Double A | Object 155 | Door Double B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 156 | Doorway A | Object 157 | Doorway B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 158 | Rug A | Object 159 | Rug B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 160 | Rug C | Object 161 | Curtain | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 162 | Notice | Object 163 | Map | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 164 | Picture | Object 165 | Tapestry | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 166 | Shelf Wall | Object 167 | Candles Wall | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 168 | Torch Wall | Object 169 | Note | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 170 | Book Closed | Object 171 | Book Open | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 172 | Scroll | Object 173 | Crystal Ball | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 174 | Lamp | Object 175 | Candle | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 176 | Candle Floor | Object 177 | Stool | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 178 | Bench | Object 179 | Chair A | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 180 | Chair B | Object 181 | Throne | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 182 | Tree Stump | Object 183 | Table A | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 184 | Table B | Object 185 | Table C | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 186 | Table D | Object 187 | Bed A | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 188 | Bed A Used | Object 189 | Bed B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 190 | Bed B Used | Object 191 | Bed C | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 192 | Bed C Used | Object 193 | Ladder | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 194 | Platform | Object 195 | Mirror | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 196 | Stage | Object 197 | Counter | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 198 | Counter Corner | Object 199 | Dresser | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 200 | Armoire | Object 201 | Dressing Table | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 202 | Grandfather Clock | Object 203 | Cross | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 204 | Gazebo | Object 205 | Fireplace | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 206 | Harp | Object 207 | Piano | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 208 | Bookshelf | Object 209 | Bottle Cabinet | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 210 | Kitchen | Object 211 | Plate | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 212 | Table Setting | Object 213 | Ball | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 214 | Bread Basket | Object 215 | Bottle | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 216 | Mug | Object 217 | Pan and Cleaver | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 218 | Pot | Object 219 | Sleigh | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 220 | Mine Cart | Object 221 | Carriage | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 222 | Carriage Used | Object 223 | Car | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 224 | Truck | Object 225 | Oyster | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 226 | Fish | Object 227 | Turtle | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 228 | Shark | Object 229 | Whale | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 230 | Dragon Young | Object 231 | Floating Ice | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 232 | Driftwood | Object 233 | Raft | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 234 | Boat Small | Object 235 | Boat Lare | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 236 | Boat Crashed | Object 237 | Submarine | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 238 | Magic Carpet | Object 239 | Cloud | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 240 | Airship | Object 241 | Hot Air Balloon | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 242 | Time Capsule | Object 243 | Event Box | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 244 | Marker | Object 245 | Village A | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 246 | Village B | Object 247 | Village C | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 248 | Village D | Object 249 | City A | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 250 | City B | Object 251 | City C | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 252 | Castle A | Object 253 | Castle B | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 254 | Castle C | Object 255 | Tower A | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 256 | Tower B | Object 257 | Ruins | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 258 | Temple | Object 259 | Fort | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 260 | Tent | Object 261 | Pyramid | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Object 262 | Igloos | Object 263 | Cave A | |------------+-------------------------o------------o------------------------| | Object 264 | Cave B | o------------o---------------------------------------------------------------o O============================================================================O | BGM Database (000AD) | O============================================================================O o------------o-------------------------o------------o------------------------o | BGM 000 | Explore 1 | BGM 001 | Explore 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 002 | Explore 3 | BGM 003 | Explore 4 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 004 | Explore 5 | BGM 005 | Explore 6 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 006 | Explore 7 | BGM 007 | Town 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 080 | Town 2 | BGM 009 | Town 3 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 010 | Town 4 | BGM 011 | Town 5 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 012 | Town 6 | BGM 013 | Castle 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 014 | Castle 2 | BGM 015 | Castle 3 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 016 | Castle 4 | BGM 017 | Castle 5 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 018 | Castle 6 | BGM 019 | Castle 7 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 020 | Castle 8 | BGM 021 | Battle 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 022 | Battle 2 | BGM 023 | Battle 3 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 024 | Battle 4 | BGM 025 | Battle 5 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 026 | Battle 6 | BGM 027 | Boss 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 028 | Boss 2 | BGM 029 | Boss 3 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 030 | Boss 4 | BGM 031 | Boss 5 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 032 | Boss 6 | BGM 033 | Theme 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 034 | Theme 2 | BGM 035 | Theme 3 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 036 | Theme 4 | BGM 037 | Theme 5 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 038 | Theme 6 | BGM 039 | Theme 7 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 040 | Theme 8 | BGM 041 | Theme 9 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 042 | Theme 10 | BGM 043 | Mellow 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 044 | Mellow 2 | BGM 045 | Mellow 3 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 046 | Mellow 4 | BGM 047 | Mellow 5 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 048 | Mellow 6 | BGM 049 | Dungeon 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 050 | Dungeon 2 | BGM 051 | Dungeon 3 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 052 | Dungeon 4 | BGM 053 | Dungeon 5 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 054 | Home 1 | BGM 055 | Home 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 056 | Home 3 | BGM 057 | Home 4 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 058 | Home 5 | BGM 059 | Home 6 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 060 | Home 7 | BGM 061 | Home 8 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 062 | Home 9 | BGM 063 | Village 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 064 | Village 2 | BGM 065 | Village 3 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | BGM 066 | Village 4 | BGM 067 | Opening | |------------+-------------------------o------------o------------------------| | BGM 068 | Ending | o------------o---------------------------------------------------------------o O============================================================================O | SFX Database (000AE) | O============================================================================O o------------o-------------------------o------------o------------------------o | SFX 000 | Confirm 1 | SFX 001 | Confirm 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 002 | Confirm 3 | SFX 003 | Cancel | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 004 | Deny | SFX 005 | Cursor | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 006 | Open Menu | SFX 007 | Close Menu | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 008 | Good Event 1 | SFX 009 | Good 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 010 | Good 3 | SFX 011 | Bad Event | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 012 | Normal Event 1 | SFX 013 | Normal 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 014 | Normal 3 | SFX 015 | Good Morning | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 016 | Good Night | SFX 017 | Victory | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 018 | Defeat | SFX 019 | Level Up | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 020 | Item Obtained | SFX 021 | Add Member | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 022 | Lose Member | SFX 023 | Warp | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 024 | Midi 1 | SFX 025 | Midi 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 026 | Surprise | SFX 027 | Switch 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 028 | Switch 2 | SFX 029 | Knock 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 030 | Knock 2 | SFX 031 | Open Door | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 032 | Close Door | SFX 033 | Door Squeak | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 034 | Thump | SFX 035 | Creak | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 036 | Move Object 1 | SFX 037 | Move 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 038 | Fly-by | SFX 039 | Propeller | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 040 | Drive-by | SFX 041 | Skid | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 042 | Movement | SFX 043 | Wings | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 044 | Buzzing | SFX 045 | Winding | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 046 | Chime | SFX 047 | Ring | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 048 | Telephone | SFX 049 | Doorbell | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 050 | Bell | SFX 051 | Foghorn | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 052 | Conch Horn | SFX 053 | Whistle | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 054 | Snap Fingers | SFX 055 | Clap | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 056 | Applause | SFX 057 | Shutter | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 058 | Machine | SFX 059 | Page Turn | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 060 | Sweeping | SFX 061 | Footstep 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 062 | Footstep 2 | SFX 063 | Footstep 3 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 064 | Footstep 4 | SFX 065 | Footsteps 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 066 | Footsteps 2 | SFX 067 | Critical | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 068 | Damage | SFX 069 | Slash 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 070 | Slash 2 | SFX 071 | Slash 3 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 072 | Punch 1 | SFX 073 | Punch 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 074 | Punch 3 | SFX 075 | Punch 4 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 076 | Punch 5 | SFX 077 | Sword 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 078 | Sword 2 | SFX 079 | Metal | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 080 | Rubber | SFX 081 | Wood | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 082 | Bow 1 | SFX 083 | Bow 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 084 | Boomerang | SFX 085 | Chop | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 086 | Ricochet | SFX 087 | Breaking Glass | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 088 | Crack | SFX 089 | Crush | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 090 | Tree Break 1 | SFX 091 | Tree 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 092 | Lit Fire | SFX 093 | Fire 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 094 | Fire 2 | SFX 095 | Splash 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 096 | Splash 2 | SFX 097 | Splash 3 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 098 | Splash 4 | SFX 099 | Whirlpool | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 100 | Boil | SFX 101 | Freeze | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 102 | Wind 1 | SFX 103 | Wind 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 104 | Inflate | SFX 105 | Deflate | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 106 | Gun | SFX 107 | Electricity 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 108 | Electricity 2 | SFX 109 | Thunder | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 110 | Fall | SFX 111 | Land 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 112 | Land 2 | SFX 113 | Rumble | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 114 | Magic 1 | SFX 115 | Magic 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 116 | Magic 3 | SFX 117 | Magic 4 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 118 | Magic 5 | SFX 119 | Attack 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 120 | Attack 2 | SFX 121 | Attack 3 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 122 | Explosion 1 | SFX 123 | Explosion 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 124 | Explosion 3 | SFX 125 | Beam | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 126 | Laugh Male 1 | SFX 127 | Laugh 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 128 | Laugh Female 1 | SFX 129 | Laugh 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 130 | Laugh 3 | SFX 131 | Laugh Child | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 132 | Scream Male | SFX 133 | Scream Female | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 134 | Scream Child | SFX 135 | Surprise Male | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 136 | Surprise Female | SFX 137 | Cry Female 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 138 | Cry 2 | SFX 139 | Cry Child | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 140 | Cheer 1 | SFX 141 | Cheer 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 142 | Booing | SFX 143 | Snore | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 144 | Swallow | SFX 145 | Chewing | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 146 | Horse 1 | SFX 147 | Horse 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 148 | Sheep 1 | SFX 149 | Sheep 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 150 | Chicken 1 | SFX 151 | Chicken 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 152 | Dog 1 | SFX 153 | Dog 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 154 | Dog 3 | SFX 155 | Cat | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 156 | Roar | SFX 157 | Breath | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 158 | Chomp | SFX 159 | Piano | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 160 | Organ | SFX 161 | Flute | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 162 | Ocarina | SFX 163 | Harp | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 164 | Violin | SFX 165 | Banjo | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 166 | Guitar 1 | SFX 167 | Guitar 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 168 | Guitar 3 | SFX 169 | Bass | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 170 | Snare | SFX 171 | Cymbal | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 172 | Drum 1 | SFX 173 | Drum 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 174 | Voice Male | SFX 175 | Voice Women | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 176 | Sound 1 | SFX 177 | Sound 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 178 | Sound 3 | SFX 179 | Sound 4 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 180 | Sound 5 | SFX 181 | Sound 6 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 182 | Sound 7 | SFX 183 | Sound 8 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 184 | Sound 9 | SFX 185 | Sound 10 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 186 | Sound 11 | SFX 187 | Sound 12 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 188 | Sound 13 | SFX 189 | Sound 14 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 190 | Sound 15 | SFX 191 | Sound 16 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 192 | Sound 17 | SFX 193 | Sound 18 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 194 | Sound 19 | SFX 195 | Sound 20 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 196 | Sound 21 | SFX 197 | Sound 22 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | SFX 198 | Sound 23 | SFX 199 | Sound 24 | o------------o-------------------------o------------o------------------------o O============================================================================O | World Sounds Database (000AF) | O============================================================================O o------------o-------------------------o------------o------------------------o | World 000 | Wind 1 | World 001 | Wind 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 002 | Wind 3 | World 003 | Rain | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 004 | Thunder 1 | World 005 | Thunder 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 006 | River | World 007 | Waterfall | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 008 | Ocean 1 | World 009 | Ocean 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 010 | Whirlpool | World 011 | Lava | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 012 | Water Drip | World 013 | Birds 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 014 | Birds 2 | World 015 | Crickets 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 016 | Crickets 2 | World 017 | Earthquake | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 018 | Fire | World 019 | Crowd 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 020 | Crowd 2 | World 021 | Machine 1 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 022 | Machine 2 | World 023 | Clock | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 024 | Battle 1 | World 025 | Battle 2 | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | World 026 | Horse 1 | World 027 | Horse 2 | o------------o-------------------------o------------o------------------------o O============================================================================O | Enemy Database (000AG) | O============================================================================O o------------o-------------------------o------------o------------------------o | Enemy 000 | Slime | Enemy 001 | Imp | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 002 | Goblin | Enemy 003 | Gargoyle | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 004 | Beholder | Enemy 005 | Werewolf | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 006 | Ogre | Enemy 007 | Lizard Warrior | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 008 | Cyclops | Enemy 009 | Minotaur | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 010 | Centaur | Enemy 011 | Demon | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 012 | Greater Demon | Enemy 013 | Arch Lord | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 014 | Protector | Enemy 015 | Warlock | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 016 | Titan | Enemy 017 | Iron Giant | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 018 | Devourer | Enemy 019 | Familiar | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 020 | Gremlin King | Enemy 021 | Yeti | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 022 | Snow Beast | Enemy 023 | Pegasus | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 024 | Wild Animal | Enemy 025 | King Boar | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 026 | Dire Hound | Enemy 027 | Chimera | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 028 | Griffon | Enemy 029 | Snake | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 030 | Hatchling | Enemy 031 | Raptor | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 032 | Dragon | Enemy 033 | Bone Dragon | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 034 | Wyvern | Enemy 035 | Giant Bird | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 036 | Vampire Bat | Enemy 037 | Buzzard | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 038 | Bird Man | Enemy 039 | Phoenix | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 040 | Starfish | Enemy 041 | Frog Man | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 042 | Crab | Enemy 043 | Horned Fish | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 044 | Seahorse | Enemy 045 | Merman | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 046 | Kraken | Enemy 047 | Sea Dragon | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 048 | Turtle Dragon | Enemy 049 | Wasp Warrior | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 050 | Killer Bee | Enemy 051 | Dragonfly | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 052 | Crawler | Enemy 053 | Insectus | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 054 | Fotten Apple | Enemy 055 | Pumkin Head | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 056 | Fungus | Enemy 057 | Killer Flower | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 058 | Man-eater | Enemy 059 | Treant | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 060 | Spirits | Enemy 061 | Ghosts | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 062 | Cherub | Enemy 063 | Demon Skull | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 064 | Genie | Enemy 065 | Zombie | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 066 | Mummy | Enemy 067 | Undead Warrior | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 068 | Arch Demon | Enemy 069 | Arch Angel | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 070 | Bomber | Enemy 071 | Demon Egg | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 072 | Gremlin Vase | Enemy 073 | Gremlin Chest | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 074 | Living Sword | Enemy 075 | Living Armor | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 076 | Spade Soldier | Enemy 077 | Diamond Soldier | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 078 | Club Soldier | Enemy 079 | Heart Soldier | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 080 | Sentinel | Enemy 081 | Golem | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 082 | Pharaoh | Enemy 083 | Elder | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 084 | Timekeeper | Enemy 085 | Gatekeeper | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 086 | Warrior | Enemy 087 | Assassin | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 088 | Dragon Knight | Enemy 089 | Pirate | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 090 | Joker | Enemy 091 | Dragon | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 092 | Evoker | Enemy 093 | Arch Mage | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 094 | Dwarf | Enemy 095 | Amazon Warrior | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 096 | Witch | Enemy 097 | Hunter | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 098 | Mystic | Enemy 099 | Alien | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 100 | Pugilist | Enemy 101 | Fighter | |------------+-------------------------+------------+------------------------| | Enemy 102 | Overlord | Enemy 103 | Warlord | o------------o-------------------------o------------o------------------------o O============================================================================O | Version History (X0000) | O============================================================================O Version 0.00 - (June 8th, 2005) - Began the walkthrough Version 1.00 - (June 10th, 2005) - Completed the walkthrough O============================================================================O | Legal (Y0000) | O============================================================================O This guide is copyright (c) 2005 Alex Eagleson, the author. This walkthrough was written solely to be hosted at www.gamefaqs.com. It can also be found at www.ign.com, www.neoseeker.com and many other websites, all who sent an email asking permission to put them guide up on their site. I do by the way, encourage people to send email, feedback is always appreciated in any form, it's always nice to know you've helped someone. For a list of all my work, please visit the following URL: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/45802.html O============================================================================O | Credits (Z0000) | O============================================================================O CjayC for keeping GameFAQS up and running Sean, Mark and Jeremy back at University of Guelph Everyone reading this guide Hope you enjoyed it, now it's done O============================================================================O