The Top 70 Boss Music of Ixzion's Soul - #60-51

Haven't seen Part 1? Click here to do so.
This continues the article series on my Top 70! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Let's go!
Legend of Legaia - Disciples of the Mist
It's time to defeat a Mist Guardian. Are you a bad enough dude? With this song, you may be.
Kingdom Hearts - Shrouding Dark Cloud
Fighting Heartless has never seemed more important than when a song like this is playing.
Adventure Island II - Boss
Master Higgens is willing to commit genocide for his girlfriend. He also gets to hear a theme like this while throwing many axes at things until they die.
The Firemen - Raging Fire (Boss)
When you're a fireman facing a huge fire monster that can fly and shoot more fire at you, wouldn't you like a tune to help you put it down? Guys, give this one a few seconds to get JAMMIN'.
Parasite Eve II – Distorted Evolution (Final Boss)
SHE’S BAAAAACK! Mortal enemies go at it one more time in one of the hardest boss battles out there! Good thing it had this music that you could listen to over and over and over…
Demon’s Crest – The Infinite Demon (Secret Boss)
Once you beat the the game, you must beat the game. The Infinite Demon is the ultimate challenge in Demon’s Crest and the music makes the encounter as epic as it should be.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Boss
The big bad of the stage is here. IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME! Then you beat his ass to this track.
Super Bomberman - Boss
This song sounds like something I’ve heard before. Well, of course it does. But I mean something different. Anyway, facing off against a boss feels pretty frantic with this one.
Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis
In Nemesis, there’s ALWAYS a chance a boss fight could happen. Or a boss avoid. Haha. I don’t think I need to mention how much my heart sank when I heard this theme.
Kirby’s Adventure – vs. Nightmare
Kirby’s Adventure is one of the last great NES games. How suiting is it that it also goes out with one of the greatest boss themes of all time?
Click here to see the next part.
This continues the article series on my Top 70! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Ixzion wrote:
I decided that each game may only have 1 song. This is because RPGs often have more than one boss theme.
In ordering, I started with my top 70 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
In ordering, I started with my top 70 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
Let's go!
Legend of Legaia - Disciples of the Mist
It's time to defeat a Mist Guardian. Are you a bad enough dude? With this song, you may be.
Kingdom Hearts - Shrouding Dark Cloud
Fighting Heartless has never seemed more important than when a song like this is playing.
Adventure Island II - Boss
Master Higgens is willing to commit genocide for his girlfriend. He also gets to hear a theme like this while throwing many axes at things until they die.
The Firemen - Raging Fire (Boss)
When you're a fireman facing a huge fire monster that can fly and shoot more fire at you, wouldn't you like a tune to help you put it down? Guys, give this one a few seconds to get JAMMIN'.
Parasite Eve II – Distorted Evolution (Final Boss)
SHE’S BAAAAACK! Mortal enemies go at it one more time in one of the hardest boss battles out there! Good thing it had this music that you could listen to over and over and over…
Demon’s Crest – The Infinite Demon (Secret Boss)
Once you beat the the game, you must beat the game. The Infinite Demon is the ultimate challenge in Demon’s Crest and the music makes the encounter as epic as it should be.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Boss
The big bad of the stage is here. IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME! Then you beat his ass to this track.
Super Bomberman - Boss
This song sounds like something I’ve heard before. Well, of course it does. But I mean something different. Anyway, facing off against a boss feels pretty frantic with this one.
Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis
In Nemesis, there’s ALWAYS a chance a boss fight could happen. Or a boss avoid. Haha. I don’t think I need to mention how much my heart sank when I heard this theme.
Kirby’s Adventure – vs. Nightmare
Kirby’s Adventure is one of the last great NES games. How suiting is it that it also goes out with one of the greatest boss themes of all time?
Click here to see the next part.