The Top 100 Videogame Music of Ixzion's Soul - #50-41

Haven't seen Part 5? Click here to do so.
This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Let's go!
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice For All - Reminiscence: The Fire Carves Scars
By my account, most of the music in Phoenix Wright 2 sucks when compared to 1. However, this one is a gem. The simple melody evokes such a powerful feeling of loss and sadness. The series really can pull at your heartstrings sometimes, which is saying something for text, pngs, and music.
No More Heroes – Pleather for Breakfast
This is a game that you either get or you don’t, but that doesn’t mean that the music has to be the same way. The theme of the crazy assassin you’re trying to kill really fits the mood of the game and gets you into the fight.
Street Fighter II – Ken’s Theme
Before I started playing Street Fighter IV, Ken used to be my main man. He was a lot more fun than Ryu, personality-wise and playing-wise, and it would seem, even music-wise. What can I say about this track that won’t be said about the upcoming ones? It’s just a tight rhythm that’s too hot to pass up. Shoryuken!
Mega Man 3 – Whistle Concert (Protoman’s Theme)
That whistle is immortal. Who can remember first hearing this and seeing the red Megaman trying to stomp your ass? Utterly enchanting.
Mario Kart 64 – Frappe Snowland
Bronanza, Deeper, and I spent many weekends playing Mario Kart 64. Among all the rest, I’ve always thought that this music was awesome as all get-out. It IS a snow theme. Can you imagine anything else? Calm and catchy.
Dr. Mario 64 – Title Theme
I will always remember Dr. Mario as the greatest gutpunch of my childhood. I was a rabid Mario fan back then, and I wanted everything with Mario in it. Because I thought everything with Mario in the title was like Super Mario 3. So when I got this game for Christmas, I was like “what the hell is this puzzle game stuff?” I was so disappointed. I still don’t really care much for the game to this day because of this, I imagine. However, the title music is still bumpin’. I chose the 64 version’s theme over the NES one (which I still own) because it sounds better.
Here’s one to compare:
Sonic Adventure – Open Your Heart
This is the main theme of Sonic Adventure, the first game to feature Sonic in 3D (yes it was, shut up). I viewed the opening cinematic at the local game store and heard this song on it. I was like, wow, this was totally awesome. And while there are other pieces, such as Azure Blue World, which I really like as a level stage, this as the final fight song got it over the top.
Sonic CD – Sonic Boom
I remember we rented a Sega CD one time, and got this game. When I viewed this opening cinematic and heard this song, I just about pissed myself. After this, I wanted desperately to see a complete Sonic movie. Of course, the actual thing was some type of visual abortion. This is when Sonic was the king of the world and awesome. I keep looking at this and keep wanting for Sonic to go in this direction.
Final Fantasy 9 – Melodies of Life
I think this is the lowest a Final Fantasy game ended up on this list. But it’s not a stab at the song. It’s really fantastic for the type of game FF9 is. It fits the entire game perfectly. I chose the English version of the song because I can actually understand it and the same singer did both versions. What’s not to like?
Super Mario RPG – Seaside Town
Listen to that piano go! This song is so fun and fresh to listen to. I used to just jump all around the town while listening to this one. Hell, I’d pay a visit to it after I’d passed it. Good stuff.
Click here to see part 7.
This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Ixzion wrote:
I decided that each game may only have 1 song (I did this, but cut two too many and two games have 2 songs).
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
Let's go!
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice For All - Reminiscence: The Fire Carves Scars
By my account, most of the music in Phoenix Wright 2 sucks when compared to 1. However, this one is a gem. The simple melody evokes such a powerful feeling of loss and sadness. The series really can pull at your heartstrings sometimes, which is saying something for text, pngs, and music.
No More Heroes – Pleather for Breakfast
This is a game that you either get or you don’t, but that doesn’t mean that the music has to be the same way. The theme of the crazy assassin you’re trying to kill really fits the mood of the game and gets you into the fight.
Street Fighter II – Ken’s Theme
Before I started playing Street Fighter IV, Ken used to be my main man. He was a lot more fun than Ryu, personality-wise and playing-wise, and it would seem, even music-wise. What can I say about this track that won’t be said about the upcoming ones? It’s just a tight rhythm that’s too hot to pass up. Shoryuken!
Mega Man 3 – Whistle Concert (Protoman’s Theme)
That whistle is immortal. Who can remember first hearing this and seeing the red Megaman trying to stomp your ass? Utterly enchanting.
Mario Kart 64 – Frappe Snowland
Bronanza, Deeper, and I spent many weekends playing Mario Kart 64. Among all the rest, I’ve always thought that this music was awesome as all get-out. It IS a snow theme. Can you imagine anything else? Calm and catchy.
Dr. Mario 64 – Title Theme
I will always remember Dr. Mario as the greatest gutpunch of my childhood. I was a rabid Mario fan back then, and I wanted everything with Mario in it. Because I thought everything with Mario in the title was like Super Mario 3. So when I got this game for Christmas, I was like “what the hell is this puzzle game stuff?” I was so disappointed. I still don’t really care much for the game to this day because of this, I imagine. However, the title music is still bumpin’. I chose the 64 version’s theme over the NES one (which I still own) because it sounds better.
Here’s one to compare:
Sonic Adventure – Open Your Heart
This is the main theme of Sonic Adventure, the first game to feature Sonic in 3D (yes it was, shut up). I viewed the opening cinematic at the local game store and heard this song on it. I was like, wow, this was totally awesome. And while there are other pieces, such as Azure Blue World, which I really like as a level stage, this as the final fight song got it over the top.
Sonic CD – Sonic Boom
I remember we rented a Sega CD one time, and got this game. When I viewed this opening cinematic and heard this song, I just about pissed myself. After this, I wanted desperately to see a complete Sonic movie. Of course, the actual thing was some type of visual abortion. This is when Sonic was the king of the world and awesome. I keep looking at this and keep wanting for Sonic to go in this direction.
Final Fantasy 9 – Melodies of Life
I think this is the lowest a Final Fantasy game ended up on this list. But it’s not a stab at the song. It’s really fantastic for the type of game FF9 is. It fits the entire game perfectly. I chose the English version of the song because I can actually understand it and the same singer did both versions. What’s not to like?
Super Mario RPG – Seaside Town
Listen to that piano go! This song is so fun and fresh to listen to. I used to just jump all around the town while listening to this one. Hell, I’d pay a visit to it after I’d passed it. Good stuff.
Click here to see part 7.