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The Top 100 Videogame Music of Ixzion's Soul - #90-81
By: Ixzion | Published: December 11, 2013 10:11 am | Gaming


Haven't seen Part 1? Click here to do so.

This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Ixzion wrote:
I decided that each game may only have 1 song (I did this, but cut two too many and two games have 2 songs).

In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.

Let's go!

TMNT III: The Manhattan Project - Move Out (Surfing/Ship Stage)

Ahh, surfing and enjoying kicking foot soldier ass while doing it. Are the Turtles cool or what?

Bomberman Hero - Redial

This is a game that not many people played that I wish did. This was a very fun game and the first (last?) where Bomberman could jump. Part of the charm came from the music, as noted here. Another was its challenge and race against the clock for bonus points.

Barbie Super Model - Stage 1

Yes, I did play this game when I was younger. Yes, this music is actually awesome. I'm not the only one, either. This guy made a badass remix to this already badass song. Don't let the name Barbie turn you off immediately unless you're some kind of casual asshole.

OCR 00768 - Plastic Goddess

Shining Force II - Wandering Warriors (Overworld Theme)

The main theme of one of the greatest RPGs ever made. Under this song, you will fight many battles. Good thing it's so epic, huh?

Legend of Dragoon - Boss Battle 1

It's go time and the enemy is going down. I really like the mood this one put you in, like you gotta bring these guys down now.

Unlimited SaGa - Battle Theme 1

I've never played this game, but upon hearing the violin featured front-and-center in this piece, I felt the desire. You really don't hear the violin in too many games, so it's very nice to see it here leading a cool medley of sounds.

Duke Nukem 3D - Title Screen

I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum.

Doom - Episode 1, Mission 1

If you were alive and near the teens in the 90s, then you knew Doom. And this song is the first one everyone thinks of when they think of the game that exploded the FPS genre.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Arcade Game - Fire (Stage 1)

If you have nostalgia for the mean green machine, then you probably pissed your pants when you first saw this one. I dumped so many quarters into this machine but never had the opportunity to play past 2 or 3 levels. Awesome.

Parasite Eve - Primal Eyes

The slow buildup into a frantic piano sets this one off and sets up the experience for you gamers. Then a calm middle part that sounds chilling builds into the final notes, which send you off with a unsettling fright. The worst foe lies within the self...


Click here to see part 3.

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