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"Off the Wall does... Halloween!!!"   
October 2003 - Happy Halloween!

Well, this brings to a close another issue of RPG Maker Magazine. We hope you had as much fun reading it that we did putting it together--slightly adequate fun. :p We'll leave you with the featured sites and artwork for this month. Catch ya later!

-RPGMM Staff

Featured Site - Halloween Magazine
Before you give me the ol' "Halloween site for Halloween is cliche," hear me out.

Despite being a fellow magazine (;p), Halloween Magazine is the site to really get down with your Halloween groove. Costumes, stories....I mean everything. Check them out if you're in the festive mood.

Featured RPG-related Site - The RPG Maker Pavilion
Almost fitting in a way to honor the original fansite-turned-official site of RPG Maker. As if I had to say anything more, the RPG Maker Pavilion has been around for over 3 years and is still going strong. If you like RPG Maker, you must make a pilgrimage here at least once.

RPGMM Forum Member of the Month -
Lord Talvarius Ixzion

Member since:
January 31, 2002
Current Post Count:
Current Rank/Title:
Soul Stealer
Favorite Quote:

Lord Ixzion is the meaning of the word "great member." He posts a lot, drives a car, AND invented RPGMM! How could you go wrong with THAT! That's why he's the RPGMM Forum Member of the Month. Huzzah.

Halloween Art Corner!

Psycho: Reborn
Lord Ixzion
©2002-2003 RPG Maker Magazine