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PostPosted: November 2nd, 2010, 11:02 pm 
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Well, we made it to round 10. This is serious business.


PostPosted: November 2nd, 2010, 11:08 pm 
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And seriously bullsh*t. Naked is just way too crippling to be one of the random wave conditions.

Maybe we should do the Armory next time and get some levels and or better equipment.

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PostPosted: November 2nd, 2010, 11:17 pm 
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Fair enough. I am in need of a new assault rifle. Maybe a commando class mod.


PostPosted: November 7th, 2010, 5:29 am 
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I am now borderlands compliant! :D

NOW YOU HA\/E NO EXCUSE TO NOT PLAY ONLINE WITH ME. (friggin cheapskates...not buying Soul Calibur 4...Grumble, grumble...)


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PostPosted: November 7th, 2010, 8:51 pm 
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Yeah, but are you DLC compliant? Because we are about to hit up the Armory. I was gone all weekend in Oklahoma, which is why I wasn't on all weekend. But any night this week I should be good to go.

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PostPosted: November 8th, 2010, 2:15 am 
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As soon As i get the chance to get into the Playstation store, damn straight I'll be DLC compliant. I just got the game yesterday and wanted to play it, but my sister-in-law wanted to play Bleach Shattered Blade On the Wii last night. Therefore, Don't expect much from me anyway. However, I have a Bluetooth headset, so now all ya'alls can (finally) talk to the ol' Staffmaster! :rock


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PostPosted: November 8th, 2010, 6:09 am 
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Bad news bears, staff. We are all on the 360.

I hope to be on this afternoon.


PostPosted: November 8th, 2010, 10:25 am 
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I'll be poking around collecting things in Darksiders, so just hit me up if you're good to go.

And that's quite an unfortunate turn of events, Staffy. Really. I thought you knew we were all on the 360.

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PostPosted: November 8th, 2010, 12:13 pm 
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Im good to go at anytime. Just hit me up on AIM when your ready.

PostPosted: November 10th, 2010, 1:58 pm 
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insultobot wrote:
Bad news bears, staff. We are all on the 360.

I hope to be on this afternoon.

Lantis wrote:
And that's quite an unfortunate turn of events, Staffy. Really. I thought you knew we were all on the 360.

One of you is buying a second X-box, and don't lie to me and say none of you own a PS3 as well. GO BY THE GAME FOR THE PLAYSTATION. And the irony is that my 360 is the only current gen system I own that doesn't go online (no network adapter).

Also, the DLC in the Playstation store is $10 each. FyI


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PostPosted: November 10th, 2010, 2:02 pm 
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You really expect Ix and I (being the only two here who have PS3s) to buy a game a second time for your mistake? That's rich, man. Also, the DLC on Xbox is only $5.

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PostPosted: November 10th, 2010, 4:04 pm 
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Who is going to buy the same game for another system when you're the one who read failed? If it were me, which it wouldn't because I would ask which version everyone got, I would be like "damn" and just get the version everyone else had.

That said, I'm willing to buy the PS3 version. Please send a check or money order for 29.99 + S&H to:

I'll buy it as soon I receive your mail. :)


PostPosted: November 10th, 2010, 9:18 pm 
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Staffy wrote:
One of you is buying a second X-box

actually third. My current stand-by 360 is picky about reading memory and my main one is just annoying since I have to hit eject like ten times before it reads games. Just waiting for my discount card to come in the mail so I can pick up the Kinnect bundle S model for $360 rather than $400.
Staffy wrote:
the irony is that my 360 is the only current gen system I own that doesn't go online (no network adapter)

Are you strictly on WiFi from neighbors? If you aren't, is the actual physical plug broken? I wouldn't use the wifi adapter for the 360. Well, I only have experience with the first model. The N wireless adapter may be okay.

And on the topic of playing Borderlands (for 360) I say tomorrow is looking promising.
What say you?


PostPosted: November 10th, 2010, 9:21 pm 
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Finishing up the Armory tomorrow it is, then.

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PostPosted: November 11th, 2010, 4:11 am 
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I have a 6 meg connection where I'm at now, and the issue is that we have a 360 that came sans network connectivity. Sure, it has a port, but I'd have to buy the little oval wireless do-hickey with the antenna that plugs in the back.

It really is a deal breaker, because other wise, I hop systems in an instant. Used game + DLCs = Doable. Used Game + DLCs + Network Adapter = More than I'm willing to pay. Sides' I'd have to pay for an X-Box live account, and that's REALLY not in the budget.

So then I guess I should make this official: If Any one else goes out to buy Borderlands, Now you don't have to worry about X-Box vs. PS3. I have it, and I have it on PS3, so at least you'd have Me to play with. :p


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PostPosted: November 11th, 2010, 10:36 am 
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What part of "we aren't buying a game a second time because you screwed up" did you not understand? I thought that was made abundantly clear. If you go back and read the thread, we talked several times about being in parties and getting achievements and what-not. And even Regal pointed out that we were all on Xbox. There is no "X Hyphen Box vs. PS3" debacle because we are all perfectly content where we are. This is only an issue for you... just sayin'

So instead of spending the money to play on the platform everyone else does (just like everyone else had to at some point)... you spend the money on the game for a console no one plays it on (and expects everyone to re-buy the game).


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PostPosted: November 17th, 2010, 5:29 am 
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well, damn. I actually sat down and wrote a detailed explanation of why you SHOULDN'T FREAK THE CLUCK OUT and thought it posted two days ago, but here i sit staring at a thread that lacks that post...(quickly checks to make sure it wasn't deleted by Ix...nope, no new messages!)

Anyway, the jist of what I was saying was that yeah, fine; You folks can have your X-box online stuff, and that makes sense if it is the only online system you happen to own. GRANTED. Not pushing those people in the least. Nope, not at all.

I did however, make the comment that I found it silly, and a bit hard to understand, why one would get a game that goes online and when given the choice of either 360 or PS3 to play it on, one would pick the 360. I'd save $120 a year and play it on the PS3. That's just common sense. I mean, It's the same freaking game, why pay for the multiplayer?
(I'm referring to the "post that didn't post" here, BTW)

Now as for you, lantis, You admonish me after I have already conceded your point; one made by most every one here. A saddening point for me to be sure, but be that as it may, I sought to see a silver lining here and your last post only serves to prove you failed to read mine.

Look, as i read the thread, yes, I saw all the 360 action. However, I did not think it was prevalent. I merely assumed it was joint PS3/X-Box Borderlands discussion, and the mentions of "being on LIVE" that occasionally popped up were just the people who happened to be playing it on that system. See, (here's the funny thing really - you'll laugh) I thought, that is, I naturally assumed, that each and every one of you had a scrap of common sense and wouldn't go out and buy a online multiplayer game you had to pay for twice! Silly me! I keep forgetting, money is no object to you people and you don't mind shelling out for what should be (and effectively is) free. So yeah, facepalm for that for sure! There Staffy goes again, making those assumptions about you guys, making that "ass out of you and me!" *snaps his fingers and scuffs the dirt* Gosh golly gee guys that sure was dumb of me!

Know what, yes, I did mean to go out and buy an additional copy for the PS3, But now I think I see your point, That is expensive. So how about this: How bout' every one takes their copy of Borderlands for 360, and TRADES IT IN for the PS3 version! BRILLIANT! See, it's a straight swap! Well, maybe you'd get a chunk of store credit, BUT HEY(!) At least it's not full price! Any takers!?




Not at ALL?!

Why am I not surprised? Maybe because even I can see how retarded that sounds? Ran across my head, mind you, but I thought, "NAH, that'd never fly."

------>~THE POINT~<------

Look, bottom line is this, and since you didn't hear me the first time, (and my post failed to post, so not blaming you for that), I shall repeat my self:

I have Borderlands for the PS3. If anybody ELSE goes out and buys the game, now they do not need to worry about what system they get it for, because now (here's the important part) AT LEAST THEY'D HAVE ME TO PLAY WITH.

Do you understand the concept I just conveyed? I have just made this a multisystem game. If you want to continue to play Borderlands on the X-Box (and in so doing run the risk of system meltdowns, red rings of death, and, oh yeah, paying for X-Box LIVE Gold, so you can do useful things like (I dunno...) playing online in your online multiplayer games) then you folks are more than welcome to continue. If you folks would like to calm down, have fun, and yes, finally get to meet up with the ol' Staff-meister in something that loosely resembles "real life," then you can/should purchase Borderlands for the PS3. That's ALL I'M SAYING HERE.

And now that the chewing of new assholes is OVER (Ix please back me up on this) Let's get back to some *civil* discussion about playing nice together.


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PostPosted: November 17th, 2010, 10:47 am 
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(Edit: Took it to PMs.)

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PostPosted: November 17th, 2010, 12:16 pm 
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srsly, weren't we playing borderlands at one point in this thread?

PostPosted: November 17th, 2010, 12:30 pm 
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Nonsense. This is the 'arbitrarily argue about consoles' thread, obviously. Geez.

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